Inter-Research > MEPS > v115  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 115 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1994 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Brogan, M. W.
Distribution and retention of larval fishes near reefs in the Gulf of California
MEPS 115:1-13 | Full text in pdf format

Grijalva-Chon, J. M., Numachi, K., Sosa-Nishizaki, O., de la Rosa-Velez, J.
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of North Pacific sword-fish Xiphias gladius population structure
MEPS 115:15-19 | Full text in pdf format

Grutter, A. S.
Spatial and temporal variations of the ectoparasites of seven reef fish species from Lizard Island and Heron Island, Australia
MEPS 115:21-30 | Full text in pdf format

Burrows, M. T.
Foraging time strategy of small juvenile plaice: a laboratory study of diel and tidal behaviour patterns with Artemia prey and shrimp predators
MEPS 115:31-39 | Full text in pdf format

del Norte-Campos, A. G. C., Temming, A.
Daily activity, feeding and rations in gobies and brown shrimp in the northern Wadden Sea
MEPS 115:41-53 | Full text in pdf format

Landry, M. R., Peterson, W. K., Fagerness, V. L.
Mesozooplankton grazing in the Southern California Bight. I. Population abundances and gut pigment contents
MEPS 115:55-71 | Full text in pdf format

Landry, M. R., Lorenzen, C. J., Peterson, W. K.
Mesozooplankton grazing in the Southern California Bight. II. Grazing impact and particulate flux
MEPS 115:73-85 | Full text in pdf format

Pérez-Camacho, A., Belras, R., Albentosa, M.
Effects of algal food concentration and body size on the ingestion rates of Ruditapes decussatus (Bivalvia) veliger larvae
MEPS 115:87-92 | Full text in pdf format

Urban, H.-J., Campos, B.
Population dynamics of the bivalves Gari solida, Semele solida and Protothaca thaca from a small bay in Chile at 36°S
MEPS 115:93-102 | Full text in pdf format

Klumpp, D. W., Griffiths, C. L.
Contributions of phototrophic and heterotrophic nutrition to the metabolic and growth requirements of four species of giant clam (Tridacnidae)
MEPS 115:103-115 | Full text in pdf format

Raillard, O., Ménesguen, A.
An ecosystem box model for estimating the carrying capacity of a macrotidal shellfish system
MEPS 115:117-130 | Full text in pdf format

McClanahan, T. R.
Coral-eating snail Drupella cornus population increases in Kenyan coral reef lagoons
MEPS 115:131-137 | Full text in pdf format

Flach, E. C, Beukema, J. J.
Density-governing mechanisms in populations of the lugworm Arenicola marina on tidal flats
MEPS 115:139-149 | Full text in pdf format

Arias, A. M., Drake, P.
Structure and production of the benthic macroinvertebrate community in a shallow lagoon in the Bay of Cadiz
MEPS 115:151-167 | Full text in pdf format

Robineau, B., Legendre, L., Therriault, J.-C, Fortier, L., Rosenberg, G., Demers, S.
Ultra-algae (<5 pm) in the ice, at the ice-water interface and in the under-ice water column (southeastern Hudson Bay, Canada)
MEPS 115:169-180 | Full text in pdf format

Cho, B. C, Choi, J.-K., Chung, C.-S., Hong, G. H.
Uncoupling of bacteria and phytoplankton during a spring diatom bloom in the mouth of the Yellow Sea
MEPS 115:181-190 | Full text in pdf format

Turley, C. M., Mackie, P. J.
Biogeochemical significance of attached and free-living bacteria and the flux of particles in the NE Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 115:191-203 | Full text in pdf format

France, R. L.
Nitrogen isotopic composition of marine and freshwater invertebrates
MEPS 115:205-207 | Full text in pdf format

Nilsson, H. C, Rosenberg, R.
Hypoxic response of two marine benthic communities
MEPS 115:209-217 | Full text in pdf format

Hatcher, A., Grant, J., Schofield, B.
Effects of suspended mussel culture (Mytilus spp.) on sedimentation, benthic respiration and sediment nutrient dynamics in a coastal bay
MEPS 115:219-235 | Full text in pdf format

Lin, S., Steichen, D. J. Jr
A method for determining the stability of lysosomal membranes in the digestive cells of Mytilus edulis
MEPS 115:237-241 | Full text in pdf format

Barbeau, M. A., Scheibling, R. E., Hatcher, B. G., Taylor, L. H., Hennigar, A. W.
Survival analysis of tethered juvenile sea scallops Placopecten magellanicus in field experiments: effects of predators, scallop size and density, site and season
MEPS 115:243-256 | Full text in pdf format

Coma, R., Gili, J.-M., Zabala, M., Riera, T.
Feeding and prey capture cycles in the aposymbiontic gorgonian Paramuhcea clavata
MEPS 115:257-270 | Full text in pdf format

Taylor, R. B., Cole, R. G.
Mobile epifauna on subtidal brown seaweeds in northeastern New Zealand
MEPS 115:271-282 | Full text in pdf format

Iriarte, A., Purdie, D. A.
Size distribution of chlorophyll a biomass and primary production in a temperate estuary (Southampton Water): the contribution of photosynthetic picoplankton
MEPS 115:283-297 | Full text in pdf format

Peters, F., Gross, T.
Increased grazing rates of microplankton in response to small-scale turbulence
MEPS 115:299-307 | Full text in pdf format

Sommer, U.
Are marine diatoms favoured by high Si:N ratios?
MEPS 115:309-315 | Full text in pdf format