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Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

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Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

ESEP provides a global stage for presenting, discussing and developing issues concerning ethics in science, environmental politics, and ecological and economic ethics.

It publishes accepted manuscripts rapidly and guarantees immediate world-wide visibility. ESEP is edited and produced by an experienced team.

All articles are freely accessible to all users. ESEP is published entirely Open Access under the Creative Commons by Attribution Licence (CC-BY) at no cost to authors.

Print : ISSN 1611-8014

Online : ISSN 1863-5415

2016:16 (
1)Vol 16, pages 1-31
2015:15 (
1, Vol 15, pages 1-104
2)Vol 15, pages 105-123
2014:14 (
1)Vol 14, pages 1-41
2013:13 (
1, Vol 13, pages 1-57
2)Vol 13, pages 59-213
2012:12 (
1, Vol 12, pages 1-61
2)Vol 12, pages 63-122
2011:11 (
1)Vol 11, pages 1-41
2010:10 (
1, Vol 10, pages 1-44
2)Vol 10, pages 47-52
2009:9 (
1)Vol 9, pages 1-40
2008:8 (
1, Vol 8, pages 1-107
2)Vol 8, pages 109-125
2007: 7

In-press articles are listed online shortly after acceptance. Prepress abstracts are also made available. These have not yet been fully checked and copyedited and are therefore subject to change before actual publication. The article is however citable as "in press", using the DOI.


E 218
Safitri KI, Abdoellah OS, Gunawan B, Parikesit P
Environmental ethics under commercialization of urban agriculture
Prepress abstract

E 219
de Oliveira JR, de Vasconcelos TVR, de Souza G
Extinction and responsibility: toward an ethics for animal rights to life
Prepress abstract

E 220
Martinez de Campos M
Nature's right to damages in the event of civil liability?
Prepress abstract

last update: March 6, 2025

Inter-Research (IR) is pleased to introduce an offspring of its international ESEP journal: ESEP Books

ESEP Books highlight the aims and scope of Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics (ESEP) and support and promote the development of the Eco-Ethics International Union (EEIU) by discussing, evaluating and deepening its conceptual basis.

ESEP Books make essential parts of their authors' professional insights and expertise available worldwide, free of charge and at your fingertips.

ESEP Book 1: Goals and Conditions for a Sustainable World

by John Cairns, Jr. (2002)

For Contents and further information, click here
For free download, click here (PDF format, 1.1 mb)

ESEP Book 2: Eco-Ethics and Sustainability Ethics

by John Cairns, Jr. (2003, 2004)

For Contents and further information, click here

For free download (Part 1), click here (PDF format, 656 kb)
For free download (Part 2), click here (PDF format, 708 kb)

How to cite ESEP Books:
Cairns J Jr (2002) Goals and Conditions for a Sustainable World. ESEP Book 1. Available at

Downloads are for personal use. Sale is not permitted.


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