ABSTRACT: To study the diet of 2 coastal spawning groups of Illex argentinus, we analyzed the stomach contents of 3645 specimens (10 to 36 cm in mantle length). More than half (58%) of observed stomachs were empty. There were no differences in the prey consumed between specimens of different sex and maturity stages. Additionally, no differences were observed in the diet among individuals belonging to either the summer or spring spawning groups. The most frequent prey item was fishes (0.79 frequency of occurrence), followed by cephalopods (0.18) and lastly by crustaceans (0.09). The seasonal variation of empty stomach frequency and the mean stomach fullness revealed that squids fed more actively in spring and summer and mainly preyed upon small pelagic fishes.
KEY WORDS: Illex argentinus · Near-shore waters · Diet · Cephalopods
Full text in pdf format | Cite this article as: Crespi-Abril AC, Trivellini MM
(2011) Diet of spring and summer spawning groups of Illex argentinus inhabiting coastal waters in San Matias Gulf (northern Patagonia, Argentina). Aquat Biol 14:99-103. https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00386
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