Inter-Research > AB > v18 > n1 > p69-80  
Aquatic Biology

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AB 18:69-80 (2013)  -  DOI:

Population subdivision of saddled seabream Oblada melanura in the Aegean Sea revealed by genetic and morphometric analyses

G. A. Gkafas1, C. Tsigenopoulos2, A. Magoulas2, P. Panagiotaki1, D. Vafidis1, Z. Mamuris3, A. Exadactylos1,*

1Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Thessaly, Fytokou str.,
38446, Volos, Greece
2Institute of Marine Biology and Genetics, Hellenic Centre of Marine Research, Heraklion, Crete 71003, Greece
3Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, 26 Ploutonos & Aiolou str.,
41221, Larissa, Greece
*Corresponding author. Email:

ABSTRACT: The population structure of marine fishes is often cryptic, due to limited knowledge about life history and ecological habitats. Understanding environmental stability is a challenge to retrieve possible structuring patterns responsible for dispersal and demographic habits. In the present study, a combination of genetic and phenotypic assessments was applied in order to investigate population structure of the saddled seabream Oblada melanura in the Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean basin. Analyses of 6 microsatellite loci and 15 morphometric characters revealed that saddled seabream individuals differ among northern, southern and central Aegean populations. These observed boundaries may be related to the differentiated seascape of the Aegean Sea, suggesting that oceanographic factors are a significant stressor for population subdivision of the saddled seabream. Individual-based landscape genetic approaches and multivariate analysis of the morphometric characters suggest the presence of habitat-related limitations of saddled seabream dispersal potential. Molecular genetics and phenotypic analyses along with life-history traits provide useful informative data for the management and conservation schemes applied for this species in the Aegean Sea.

KEY WORDS: Oblada melanura · Microsatellite · Morphometrics · Aegean Sea · Population structure

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Cite this article as: Gkafas GA, Tsigenopoulos C, Magoulas A, Panagiotaki P, Vafidis D, Mamuris Z, Exadactylos A (2013) Population subdivision of saddled seabream Oblada melanura in the Aegean Sea revealed by genetic and morphometric analyses. Aquat Biol 18:69-80.

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