Inter-Research > AB > v2 > n1 > c_p1-15  
Aquatic Biology

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Correction to AB 2:1-15 (2008) - DOI:

Mussel histopathology: effects of season, disease and species


J. P. Bignell, M. J. Dodge, S. W. Feist, B. Lyons, P. D. Martin, N. G. H. Taylor,

D. Stone, L. Travalent, G. D. Stentiford*


*Corresponding author: grant.stentiford(at)


March 8, 2019:

In Table 1 (section Southhampton Water) on page 5, the data in the last 8 columns were misaligned.

The corrected table is now shown in the pdf online.



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