Inter-Research > AB > v20 > n3 > p209-217  
Aquatic Biology

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AB 20:209-217 (2014)  -  DOI:

Hyperiid amphipod communities and the seasonal distribution of water masses in eastern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea

Wenjing Zhang*, Yuanshao Lin*, Congyi He, Wenqing Cao, Jiaqi Huang, Lianming Zheng, Weidi Yang, Yujie Wang

Laboratory of Marine Biodiversity and Global Climate Change (MBiGC), College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, PR China
*Corresponding author: ,

ABSTRACT: The species composition and abundance of the planktonic Hyperiidea and their relationship with environmental factors (depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll a concentration) were analyzed based on 4 seasonal investigations in the Beibu Gulf between 2006 and 2007. Hyperiids were represented by 82 species, 5 of which had not previously been recorded in the South China Sea. The hyperiid communities were dominated by Lestrigonus bengalensis year-round, Hyperioides sibaginis was dominant in spring, summer and autumn, and Tullbergella cuspidata became dominant in spring. Both species richness and the Shannon-Wiener diversity index increased from north to south, and from nearshore to offshore. Biodiversity was higher in some regions where the water mass was strongly influenced by the open sea or the lower salinity water off the northern sea shelf. Results of partial correlation analysis showed that species richness was positively related to depth at all times, and negatively related to temperature only in summer and winter. TWINSPAN classification indicated that the Hyperiidea community was divided into 2 groups in spring and winter (a widely distributed group and a pelagic warm-water group), and 3 groups in summer and autumn. A clear distinction between euryhaline and pelagic species can be discerned, based on different geographical distributions of water masses.

KEY WORDS: Hyperiidea · Beibu Gulf · Species composition · Community Structure · DCCA

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Cite this article as: Zhang W, Lin Y, He C, Cao W and others (2014) Hyperiid amphipod communities and the seasonal distribution of water masses in eastern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Aquat Biol 20:209-217.

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