Darling JD, Acebes JMV, Yamaguchi M
Similarity yet a range of differences between humpback whale songs recorded in the Philippines, Japan and Hawaii in 2006
AB 21:93-107 | Full text in pdf format
Takai N, Kozuka Y, Tanabe T, Sagara Y, Ichihashi M, Nakai S, Suzuki M, Mano N, Itoi S, Asahina K, Kojima T,
Sugita H
Habitat use of the gnomefishes Scombrops boops and S. gilberti in the northwestern Pacific Ocean in relation to reproductive strategy
AB 21:109-120 | Full text in pdf format
Robson AA, Mansfield RP
NOTE: Overinflated behavioural energetics: using dynamic body acceleration to accurately measure behaviour duration and estimate energy expenditure
AB 21:121-126 | Full text in pdf format
Gray CA, Barnes LM, van der Meulen DE, Kendall BW, Ochwada-Doyle FA, Robbins WD
Depth interactions and reproductive ecology of sympatric Sillaginidae: Sillago robusta and S. flindersi
AB 21:127-142 | Full text in pdf format
Terrón-Sigler A, Peñalver-Duque P, León-Muez D, Torre FE
Spatio-temporal macrofaunal assemblages associated with the endangered orange coral Astroides calycularis (Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae)
AB 21:143-154 | Full text in pdf format
Nikolioudakis N, Koumoundouros G, Somarakis S
Synchronization in allometric and morphological changes during metamorphosis: comparison among four sparid species
AB 21:155-165 | Full text in pdf format