AB Theme Section 6 presents results of experimental studies conducted during the Ninth International Workshop of the Group on Aquatic Primary Productivity (GAP) held in Malaga, Spain, in September 2012. The contributions to AB Theme Section 6 provide an overview of the effects of selected environmental factors related to global change on physiological performance and primary productivity of micro- and macroalgae. This Theme Section thus represents a further step towards understanding the effects of global change on marine primary production.
In Memoriam Tom Berman
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Figueroa FL, Mercado JM, Beardall J, Neale PJ, Montecino V, Kromkamp JC
AB 22:1-4 | Full text in pdf format
Beardall J, Stojkovic S, Gao K
REVIEW: Interactive effects of nutrient supply and other environmental factors on the sensitivity of marine primary producers to ultraviolet radiation: implications for the impacts of global change
AB 22:5-23 | Full text in pdf format
Neale PJ, Sobrino C, Segovia M, Mercado JM, Leon P, Cortés MD, Tuite P, Picazo A, Salles S, Cabrerizo MJ, Prasil O, Montecino V, Reul A, Fuentes-Lema A
Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. I. Abiotic conditions and biological responses
AB 22:25-41 | Full text in pdf format
Mercado JM, Sobrino C, Neale PJ, Segovia M, Reul A, Amorim AL, Carrillo P, Claquin P, Cabrerizo MJ, León P, Lorenzo MR, Medina-Sánchez JM, Montecino V, Napoleon C, Prasil O, Putzeys S, Salles S, Yebra L
Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. II. Metabolic rates
AB 22:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
Reul A, Muñoz M, Bautista B, Neale PJ, Sobrino C, Mercado JM, Segovia M, Salles S, Kulk G, León P, van de Poll WH, Pérez E, Buma A, Blanco JM
Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. III. Trophic cascade, size structure and composition
AB 22:59-76 | Full text in pdf format
Sobrino C, Segovia M, Neale PJ, Mercado JM, García-Gómez C, Kulk G, Lorenzo MR, Camarena T, van de Poll WH, Spilling K, Ruan Z
Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. IV. Physiological responses
AB 22:77-93 | Full text in pdf format
Ihnken S, Beardall J, Kromkamp JC, Gómez Serrano C, Torres MA, Masojídek J, Malpartida I, Abdala R, Jerez CG, Malapascua JR, Navarro E, Rico RM, Peralta E, Ezequil JPF, Figueroa FL
Light acclimation and pH perturbations affect photosynthetic performance in Chlorella mass culture
AB 22:95-110 | Full text in pdf format
Jerez CG, Navarro E, Malpartida I, Rico RM, Masojídek J, Abdala R, Figueroa FL
Hydrodynamics and photosynthesis performance of Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) grown in a thin-layer cascade (TLC) system
AB 22:111-122 | Full text in pdf format
Malapascua JRF, Jerez CG, Sergejevová M, Figueroa FL, Masojídek J
Photosynthesis monitoring to optimize growth of microalgal mass cultures: application of chlorophyll fluorescence techniques
AB 22:123-140 | Full text in pdf format
Malpartida I, Jerez CG, Morales MM, Nascimento P, Freire I, Ezequiel J, Rico RM, Peralta E, Malapascua JR, Florez Y, Masojidek J, Abdala R, Figueroa FL, Navarro E
Synergistic effect of UV radiation and nutrient limitation on Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) cultures grown in outdoor cylindrical photobioreactors
AB 22:141-158 | Full text in pdf format
Stengel DB, Conde-Álvarez R, Connan S, Nitschke U, Arenas F, Abreu H, Bonomi Barufi J, Chow F, Robledo D, Malta EJ, Mata M, Konotchick T, Nassar C, Pérez-Ruzafa Á, López D, Marquardt R, Vaz-Pinto F, Celis-Plá PSM, Hermoso M, Ruiz E, Ordoñez G, Flores P, Zanolla M, Bañares-España E, Altamirano M, Korbee N, Bischof K, Figueroa FL
Short-term effects of CO2, nutrients and temperature on three marine macroalgae under solar radiation
AB 22:159-176 | Full text in pdf format
Figueroa FL, Bonomi Barufi J, Malta EJ, Conde-Álvarez R, Nitschke U, Arenas F, Mata M, Connan S, Abreu MH, Marquardt R, Vaz-Pinto F, Konotchick T, Celis-Plá PSM, Hermoso M, Ordoñez G, Ruiz E, Flores P, de los Ríos J, Kirke D, Chow F, Nassar CAG, Robledo D, Pérez-Ruzafa Á, Bañares-España E, Altamirano M, Jiménez C, Korbee N, Bischof K, Stengel DB
Short-term effects of increasing CO2, nitrate and temperature on three Mediterranean macroalgae: biochemical composition
AB 22:177-193 | Full text in pdf format
Figueroa FL, Conde-Álvarez R, Bonomi Barufi J, Celis-Plá PSM, Flores P, Malta EJ, Stengel DB, Meyerhoff O, Pérez-Ruzafa A
Continuous monitoring of in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) submitted to different CO2, nutrient and temperature regimes
AB 22:195-212 | Full text in pdf format
Parages ML, Figueroa FL, Conde-Álvarez RM, Jiménez C
Phosphorylation of MAPK-like proteins in three intertidal macroalgae under stress conditions
AB 22:213-226 | Full text in pdf format
Celis-Plá PSM, Martínez B, Quintano E, García-Sánchez M, Pedersen A, Navarro NP, Copertino MS, Mangaiyarkarasi N, Mariath R, Figueroa FL, Korbee N
Short-term ecophysiological and biochemical responses of Cystoseira tamariscifolia and Ellisolandia elongata to environmental changes
AB 22:227-243 | Full text in pdf format
Korbee N, Navarro NP, García-Sánchez M, Celis-Plá PSM, Quintano E, Copertino MS, Pedersen A, Mariath R, Mangaiyarkarasi N, Pérez-Ruzafa Á, Figueroa FL, Martínez B
A novel in situ system to evaluate the effect of high CO2 on photosynthesis and biochemistry of seaweeds
AB 22:245-259 | Full text in pdf format
Hofmann LC, Bischof K
REVIEW: Ocean acidification effects on calcifying macroalgae
AB 22:261-279 | Full text in pdf format