ABSTRACT: Recent studies have shown that the Mediterranean white sea bream Diplodus sargus includes the invasive green alga Caulerpa cylindracea in its diet, with consequent metabolic and enzymatic alterations. As a result of this novel alimentary habit, the bioactive algal red pigment caulerpin has been detected in its tissues. However, this may not be an isolated case: other fish species have also been reported to feed on C. cylindracea, although the possible accumulation of caulerpin in their tissues has not yet been investigated. In this report, we analysed stomach contents and caulerpin levels in the native sparid species Spondyliosoma cantharus, Sarpa salpa, and Diplodus vulgaris, and in the scarid Sparisoma cretense, along with the Lessepsian siganid Siganus luridus. C. cylindracea was found in the stomachs of all but one fish species, the exception being S. cretense, in which prey items could not be determined due to the high degree of digestion. Chemical analysis of fish tissues revealed that only S. cantharus and S. salpa accumulated caulerpin, while no traces of the compound were detected in the other species. Despite intense research efforts on natural products obtained from C. cylindracea, a complete picture of the impacts caused by fish including this alga in their diet has not been elucidated. The identification of caulerpin in other Mediterranean native fish suggests a need for further research in order to assess the possible transfer of such molecules to humans through seafood consumption.
KEY WORDS: Invasive species · Bioaccumulation · Alien metabolites · Food webs · Mediterranean
Full text in pdf format | Cite this article as: Felline S, Mollo E, Cutignano A, Grauso L and others (2017) Preliminary observations of caulerpin accumulation from the invasive Caulerpa cylindracea in native Mediterranean fish species. Aquat Biol 26:27-31. https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00671
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