Broadbent HA, Grasty SE, Hardy RF, Lamont MM, Hart KM, Lembke C, Brizzolara JL, Murawski S
West Florida Shelf pipeline serves as sea turtle benthic habitat based on in situ towed camera observations
AB 29:17-31 | Full text in pdf format
Charles F, Riera P, Sauriau PG, Lantoine F, Lebreton B, Agogué H, Hourdez S
Trophic niche partitioning in marine wood-borers revealed by stable isotope analysis
AB 29:33-43 | Full text in pdf format
Tamaris-Turizo CE, Pinilla-A GA, Guzmán-Soto CJ, Granados-Martínez CE
Assigning functional feeding groups to aquatic arthropods in a Neotropical mountain river
AB 29:45-57 | Full text in pdf format
Lee TCH, Chan PL, Xu SJL, Lee FWF
Comparison of growth and toxicity responses between non-toxic and toxic strains of Prorocentrum hoffmannianum
AB 29:59-70 | Full text in pdf format
Cai L, Chen J, Johnson D, Tu Z, Huang Y
Effect of tail fin loss on swimming capability and tail beat frequency of juvenile black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus
AB 29:71-77 | Full text in pdf format
Sarasquete C, Úbeda-Manzanaro M, Ortiz-Delgado JB
Soya isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, induce differential transcriptional modulation in the ovary and testis of zebrafish Danio rerio
AB 29:79-91 | Full text in pdf format
Staaterman E, Gallagher AJ, Holder PE, Reid CH, Altieri AH, Ogburn MB, Rummer JL, Cooke SJ
Exposure to boat noise in the field yields minimal stress response in wild reef fish
AB 29:93-103 | Full text in pdf format
Tian J, Du J, Han J, Wang Z, Fu Z, Lu Z
NOTE: Gut microbiota variations in a rescued spotted seal Phoca largha pup
AB 29:105-109 | Full text in pdf format
Touchette BW, Schmitt SR, Moody JWG
Enhanced thermotolerance of photosystem II by elevated pore-water salinity in the coastal marsh graminoid Sporobolus pumilus
AB 29:111-122 | Full text in pdf format
Blasi MF, Bruno C, Boitani L
Female reproductive output in a Mediterranean bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus population
AB 29:123-136 | Full text in pdf format
Zeng X, Tanaka KR, Mazur M, Wang K, Chen Y, Zhang S
Effects of habitat on reef fishes biodiversity and composition in rocky reefs
AB 29:137-148 | Full text in pdf format
Rosa M, Flores Y, Sierra K, Torres B, Ward JE
NOTE: Examining effects of surfactants on particle clearance rate and capture efficiency of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis
AB 29:149-154 | Full text in pdf format
Cong X, Zang X, Dong M, Wang Z, He B, Hou L, Wei X, Zhang F, Shang M, Yangzong Z, Li R, Zhang X
Accumulation of phytoene and astaxanthin and related genes expression in Haematococcus pluvialis under sodium acetate stress
AB 29:155-164 | Full text in pdf format
Rodríguez-Illamola A, Míguez JM, Coimbra J, Wilson JM
High hydrostatic pressure effects on arginine vasotocin levels in fish
AB 29:165-173 | Full text in pdf format