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Aquatic Biology

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AB - Vol. 5, No. 1 - Table of contents

AB - Vol. 5, No. 1 - Table of contents

Aquat Biol (Print ISSN: 1864-7782; Online ISSN: 1864-7790)
Copyright © 2009 Inter-Research.

All articles of Volume 5 are available online with Open Access, compliments of Inter-Research
Tan QG, Wang WX
Calcium influence on phosphorus regulation in Daphnia magna: implications for phosphorus cycling
AB 5:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format

Jacoby CA, Youngbluth MJ, Frost JR, Flood PR, Uiblein F, Båmstedt U, Pagès F, Shale D
Vertical distribution, behavior, chemical composition and metabolism of Stauroteuthis syrtensis (Octopoda: Cirrata) in the northwest Atlantic
AB 5:13-22 | Full text in pdf format

Raun AL, Borum J, Sand-Jensen K
Active accumulation of internal DIC pools reduces transport limitation in large colonies of Nostoc pruniforme
AB 5:23-29 | Full text in pdf format

de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN, Carlini AR, Oosthuizen WC
How to weigh an elephant seal with one finger: a simple three-dimensional photogrammetric application
AB 5:31-39 | Full text in pdf format

Ellis RP, Bersey J, Rundle SD, Hall-Spencer JM, Spicer JI
Subtle but significant effects of CO2 acidified seawater on embryos of the intertidal snail, Littorina obtusata
AB 5:41-48 | Full text in pdf format

Arnold WS, Geiger SP, Peters Stephenson S
Mercenaria mercenaria introductions into Florida, USA, waters: duration, not size of introduction, influences genetic outcomes
AB 5:49-62 | Full text in pdf format

Nygård H, Vihtakari M, Berge J
Life history of Onisimus caricus (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea) in a high Arctic fjord
AB 5:63-74 | Full text in pdf format

Zeppilli D, Danovaro R
Meiofaunal diversity and assemblage structure in a shallow-water hydrothermal vent in the Pacific Ocean
AB 5:75-84 | Full text in pdf format

Unsworth RKF, Garrard SL, Salinas De León P, Cullen LC, Smith DJ, Sloman KA, Bell JJ
Structuring of Indo-Pacific fish assemblages along the mangrove-seagrass continuum
AB 5:85-95 | Full text in pdf format

Moura P, Gaspar MB, Monteiro CC
Age determination and growth rate of a Callista chione population from the southwestern coast of Portugal
AB 5:97-106 | Full text in pdf format