Inter-Research > AB > v5 > n2  
Aquatic Biology

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AB - Vol. 5, No. 2 - Table of contents

AB - Vol. 5, No. 2 - Table of contents

Aquat Biol (Print ISSN: 1864-7782; Online ISSN: 1864-7790)
Copyright © 2009 Inter-Research.

All articles of Volume 5 are available online with Open Access, compliments of Inter-Research
Boon PY, Yeo DCJ, Todd PA
Sound production and reception in mangrove crabs Perisesarma spp. (Brachyura: Sesarmidae)
AB 5:107-116 | Full text in pdf format

Muths D, Jollivet D, Gentil F, Davoult D
Large-scale genetic patchiness among NE Atlantic populations of the brittle star Ophiothrix fragilis
AB 5:117-132 | Full text in pdf format

Hobson VJ, Righton D, Metcalfe JD, Hays GC
Link between vertical and horizontal movement patterns of cod in the North Sea
AB 5:133-142 | Full text in pdf format

Han YS, Chang YT, Tzeng WN,
Variable habitat use by Japanese eel affects dissemination of swimbladder parasite Anguillicola crassus
AB 5:143-147 | Full text in pdf format

Bhadury P, Bridge PD, Austen MC, Bilton DT, Smerdon GR
Detection of fungal 18S rRNA sequences in conjunction with marine nematode 18S rRNA amplicons
AB 5:149-155 | Full text in pdf format

Elsdon TS, Connell SD
Spatial and temporal monitoring of coastal water quality: refining the way we consider, gather, and interpret patterns
AB 5:157-166 | Full text in pdf format

Carlier A, Riera P, Amouroux JM, Bodiou JY, Desmalades M, Grémare A
Spatial heterogeneity in the food web of a heavily modified Mediterranean coastal lagoon: stable isotope evidence
AB 5:167-179 | Full text in pdf format

Lachnit T, Blümel M, Imhoff JF, Wahl M
Specific epibacterial communities on macroalgae: phylogeny matters more than habitat
AB 5:181-186 | Full text in pdf format

Tsunagawa T, Arai T
Migration diversity of the freshwater goby Rhinogobius sp. BI, as revealed by otolith Sr:Ca ratios
AB 5:187-194 | Full text in pdf format

Teo SLH, Kudela RM, Rais A, Perle C, Costa DP, Block BA
Estimating chlorophyll profiles from electronic tags deployed on pelagic animals
AB 5:195-207 | Full text in pdf format