Inter-Research > AB > v7 > n1-2 > p173-183  
Aquatic Biology

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AB 7:173-183 (2009)  -  DOI:

Effects of nutrient supply on photosynthesis and pigmentation in Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta): responses to short-term stress

Félix L. Figueroa1,*, Alvaro Israel2, Amir Neori3, Brezo Martínez4, Erik-jan Malta5, Put Ang Jr.6, Sven Inken7, Ronny Marquardt8, Nathalie Korbee1

1Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, Campus Universitario de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga, Spain
2Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd., The National Institute of Oceanography, PO Box 8030, Haifa 31080, Israel
3Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd., National Center for Mariculture, PO Box 1212, Eilat 88112, Israel
4Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Departamental I, Despacho 213 C/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
5ALGAE–Marine Plant Ecology Research Group, CCMAR, Universidade do Algarve, Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
6Marine Science Laboratory, Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong SAR, China
7School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
8Institute for Biosciences, Aquatic Ecology, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 3, 18059 Rostock, Germany

ABSTRACT: The effects of nutrient supply on photosynthesis (estimated as chlorophyll fluorescence), chlorophyll content, biomass yield and proximate chemical composition of tank cultivated Ulva lactuca L. (Chlorophyta) were evaluated. To assess the effect of nutrient supply on resistance capacity against short-term stress, algae grown in high nutrient supply (HNS) fishpond effluents and in low nutrient supply (LNS) oligotrophic seawater were transferred to small vessels with increased irradiance of PAR and UV radiation (PAR+UVA and PAR+UVA+UVB using cut-off filters) and increased temperature as compared to culture tanks. Electron transport rate and chlorophyll content were higher in HNS than in LNS algae. Effective quantum yield and chlorophyll content decreased after short-term exposure to high PAR irradiance. Full recovery of photosynthesis in the shade was observed under a moderately higher temperature (Δ+6°C). UVB exposure reduced the negative effect of UVA on photosynthesis and pigment accumulation under temperature stress (Δ+10°C), particularly in HNS algae. Growth under HNS appeared to accelerate acclimation of Ulva lactuca to short-term environmental changes, such as higher temperatures (as in heat waves) and higher UV radiation. Furthermore, nitrogen enrichment reduced the common inhibitory effects of short-term stress such as increased irradiance, UV radiation and temperature on photosynthesis.

KEY WORDS: Carbon and nitrogen content · Chlorophyll fluorescence · Nutrient supply · Ulva lactuca · Photosynthetic pigments · Seaweed culture

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Cite this article as: Figueroa FL, Israel A, Neori A, Martínez B and others (2009) Effects of nutrient supply on photosynthesis and pigmentation in Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta): responses to short-term stress. Aquat Biol 7:173-183.

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