Inter-Research > AB > v8 > n1 > p95-103  
Aquatic Biology

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AB 8:95-103 (2009)  -  DOI:

Molecular phylogenetics of pricklebacks and other percoid fishes from the Sea of Japan

Yuri P. Kartavtsev1,2,*, Svetlana N. Sharina1, Tadasuke Goto3, Olesya A. Rutenko2, Vladimir V. Zemnukhov1, Alexander A. Semenchenko2, Dmitri L. Pitruk1, Naoto Hanzawa3

1A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, FEB RAS, Vladivostok 690041, Russia
2Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok 690095, Russia
3Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, Yamagata 990-8560, Japan

ABSTRACT: Mitochondrial DNA of the Co-1 gene region was sequenced for 8 fish species (in total 17 sequences of at least 532 bp) from the far east of Russia and compared to 3 other perciform sequences, altogether comprising 20 perch-like fish sequences and 2 outgroup sequences (Cypriniformes). The analysis of the protein-coding Co-1 gene revealed a statistically substantiated bias in the (T+C):(A+G) content, confirming the basic findings on the pyrimidines-prunes ratio. The average scores of p-distances for different scales of the evolutionary history of the Co-1 gene revealed a pattern of increased nucleotide diversity at 4 different levels: (1) intraspecies, (2) intragenus, (3) intrafamily and (4) intraorder. The scores of the average p-distances of the 4 categories of comparison were: (1) 0.11 ± 0.04%, (2) 1.87 ± 0.68%, (3) 12.67 ± 0.28%, and (4) 16.52 ± 0.10%, respectively (mean ± SE). These data support the concept that speciation in the order Perciformes in most cases follows a geographic mode through accumulation of numerous small genetic changes over a long time. The phylogenetic trees for 18 and 21 sequences of perch-like fishes together with 2 other fishes belonging to the ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) were developed using the Co-1 gene and 4 different analytical approaches: neighbour-joining (NJ), maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian (BA) and maximum parsimony (MP). The analysis revealed a monophyletic origin for the representatives of the Stichaeidae, which was the principal percoid family investigated (86, 96 and 100% support in our NJ, ML and BA analyses, respectively). Species identification on a per individual basis or Co-1-based DNA barcoding was high.

KEY WORDS: Co-1 · cytochrome c oxidase 1 · Mitochondrial DNA · Identification · Percoid

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Cite this article as: Kartavtsev YP, Sharina SN, Goto T, Rutenko OA and others (2009) Molecular phylogenetics of pricklebacks and other percoid fishes from the Sea of Japan. Aquat Biol 8:95-103.

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