Inter-Research > AB > v9 > n1 > p49-62  
Aquatic Biology

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AB 9:49-62 (2010)  -  DOI:

Spatio-temporal comparison of Pacific white-sided dolphin echolocation click types

Melissa S. Soldevilla1,2,*, Sean M. Wiggins1, John A. Hildebrand1

1Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr. #0205, La Jolla, California 92093-0205, USA
2Present address: Duke University Marine Lab, 135 Duke Marine Lab Road, Beaufort, North Carolina 28516, USA

ABSTRACT: A comparison of temporal and geographical trends in different echolocation click types produced by Pacific white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus obliquidens can lead to insights into the significance of their usage by the dolphins. Using autonomous seafloor recording packages, the spatial, diel and seasonal patterns of Pacific white-sided dolphin echolocation click activity are described for 6 locations in the Southern California Bight. Click bouts of the 2 types of Pacific white-sided dolphin echolocation clicks are identified based on their unique spectral characteristics in long-term spectral averages. Type A clicks were detected on 317 of 1959 recording days and were heard at all 6 sites, with the majority of detections occurring at San Clemente Island and Point Conception. Type B clicks were detected on 130 recording days and were only heard at the 2 southern inshore sites. Significant diel patterns were evident for both click types: Type A click bouts were detected during more hours and with higher click rates at night than during the day, while Type B click bouts exhibited the opposite behavior, with greater activity during the day. At the southern sites, both click types exhibited a fall–winter peak in seasonal occurrence. At Point Conception, where only Type A was detected, peak occurrence was during spring. The described spatial and seasonal patterns support the hypothesis that click types are population-specific, while diel patterns suggest differences in prey preferences.

KEY WORDS: Pacific white-sided dolphin · Lagenorhynchus obliquidens · Passive acoustic monitoring · Southern California Bight · Echolocation · Diel · Seasonality

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Cite this article as: Soldevilla MS, Wiggins SM, Hildebrand JA (2010) Spatio-temporal comparison of Pacific white-sided dolphin echolocation click types. Aquat Biol 9:49-62.

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