Olsen Y
AS I SEE IT: Resources for fish feed in future mariculture
AEI 1:187-200 | Full text in pdf format
Plew DR
Shellfish farm-induced changes to tidal circulation in an embayment, and implications for seston depletion
AEI 1:201-214 | Full text in pdf format
Chittenden CM, Rikardsen AH, Skilbrei OT, Davidsen JG, Halttunen E, Skarðhamar J, McKinley RS
An effective method for the recapture of escaped farmed salmon
AEI 1:215-224 | Full text in pdf format
Penston MJ, McBeath AJA, Millar CP
Densities of planktonic Lepeophtheirus salmonis before and after an Atlantic salmon farm relocation
AEI 1:225-232 | Full text in pdf format
Bjørn PA, Sivertsgård R, Finstad B, Nilsen R, Serra-Llinares RM, Kristoffersen R
Area protection may reduce salmon louse infection risk to wild salmonids
AEI 1:233-244 | Full text in pdf format
Baxter EJ, Rodger HD, McAllen R, Doyle TK
Gill disorders in marine-farmed salmon: investigating the role of hydrozoan jellyfish
AEI 1:245-257 | Full text in pdf format
Cassis D, Pearce CM, Maldonado MT
Effects of the environment and culture depth on growth and mortality in juvenile Pacific oysters in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
AEI 1:259-274 | Full text in pdf format