Inter-Research > AEI > v10 > c_p243-253  
Aquaculture Environment Interactions

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Correction to AEI 10:243-253 (2018) - DOI:

Feeding preference of Apostichopus japonicus: comparing carbon stable isotope analysis and carbon budget approach


Xiaoyue Song, Chenggang Lin, Yi Zhou*, Xianfeng Wang, Ruiting Gu, Shaochun Xu, Qiang Xu, Kang Chen, Hongsheng Yang*


*Corresponding authors: yizhou(at), hshyang(at)



June 19, 2018: On page 247, in ‘Results: Carbon budget’, the mean and standard deviation of the FC value for diet 2 and the SGRC value for diet 4 were incorrectly given as 69.61 ± 4.71 mg ind.–1 d–1 and 0.48 ± 0.04 % d–1, respectively. The correct values should be FC = 69.61 ± 5.59 mg ind.–1 d–1 for diet 2 and SGRC = 0.48 ± 0.08 % d–1 for diet 4.


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