Gray M, Barbour N, Campbell B, Robillard AJ, Todd-Rodriguez A, Xiao H, Plough L
OPINION PIECE : Ecolabels can improve public perception and farm profits for shellfish aquaculture
AEI 13:13-20 | Full text in pdf format
Kragesteen TJ, Simonsen K, Visser AW, Andersen KH
Estimation of external infection pressure and salmon-louse population growth rate in Faroese salmon farms
AEI 13:21-32 | Full text in pdf format
Bodenstein S, Walton WC, Steury TD
Effect of farming practices on growth and mortality rates in triploid and diploid eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica
AEI 13:33-40 | Full text in pdf format
Gentry K, Bui S, Oppedal F, Bjelland R, Nola V, Dempster T
Acclimatisation with lice-infested salmon improves cleaner fish lice consumption
AEI 13:41-49 | Full text in pdf format
Slavík O, Horký P
Wild and farmed burbot Lota lota: differences in energy consumption and behavior during the spawning season
AEI 13:51-63 | Full text in pdf format
Cantrell D, Vanderstichel R, Filgueira R, Grant J, Revie CW
Validation of a sea lice dispersal model: principles from ecological agent-based models applied to aquatic epidemiology
AEI 13:65-79 | Full text in pdf format
Haugland, Armitage CS, Kutti T, Husa V, Skogen MD, Bekkby T, Carvajalino-Fernández MA, Bannister RJ, White CA, Norderhaug KM, Fredriksen S
Large-scale salmon farming in Norway impacts the epiphytic community of Laminaria hyperborea
AEI 13:81-100 | Full text in pdf format
Gao Y, Zhang Y, Du M, Lin F, Jiang W, Li W, Li F, Lv X, Fang J, Jiang Z
Dissolved organic carbon from cultured kelp Saccharina japonica: production, bioavailability, and bacterial degradation rates
AEI 13:101-110 | Full text in pdf format
Asplin L, Lin F, Budgell WP, Strand Ø
Rapid water temperature variations at the northern shelf of the Yellow Sea
AEI 13:111-119 | Full text in pdf format
Szetey A, Wright DW, Oppedal F, Dempster T
Salmon lice nauplii and copepodids display different vertical migration patterns in response to light
AEI 13:121-131 | Full text in pdf format
Finstad B, Sandvik AD, Ugedal O, Vollset KW, Karlsen Ø, Davidsen JG, Sægrov H, Lennox RJ
Development of a risk assessment method for sea trout in coastal areas exploited for aquaculture
AEI 13:133-144 | Full text in pdf format
Hedger RD, Diserud OH, Finstad B, Jensen AJ, Hendrichsen DK, Ugedal O, Næsje TF
Modeling salmon lice effects on sea trout population dynamics using an individual-based approach
AEI 13:145-163 | Full text in pdf format
Guo L, Sun B, Chen D, Yi C, Teng J, Yu J, Wang S, Ru Y, Wang H
Characterization of a novel ADP-ribosylation factor gene from Macrobrachium nipponense and its response to ammonia nitrogen stress
AEI 13:165-175 | Full text in pdf format
Hu N, Yu Z, Huang Y, Liu D, Wang F, Zhang T
Elevated temperatures increase growth and enhance foraging performances of a marine gastropod
AEI 13:177-188 | Full text in pdf format
Hvas M, Folkedal O, Oppedal FWhat is the limit of sustained swimming in Atlantic salmon post smolts? AEI 13:189-198 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Tang Y, Ma S, Liu Y, Pi Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y
Intestinal microbial diversity and functional analysis of Urechis unicinctus from two different habitats: pond polycultured with Penaeus japonicus and coastal zone
AEI 13:211-224 | Full text in pdf format
Legrand E, Kutti T, Gonzalez Casal EV, Rastrick SPS, Andersen S, Husa V
Reduced physiological performance in a free-living coralline alga induced by salmon faeces deposition
AEI 13:225-236 | Full text in pdf format
Dempster T, Overton K, Bui S, Stien LH, Oppedal F, Karlsen Ø, Coates A, Phillips BL, Barrett LT
Farmed salmonids drive the abundance, ecology and evolution of parasitic salmon lice in Norway
AEI 13:237-248 | Full text in pdf format
Shao Y, Zhong H, Wang L, Elbashier MMA
Use of Bacillus subtilis D9 to purify coastal aquaculture wastewater and improve grass carp resistance to Vibrio infection
AEI 13:249-258 | Full text in pdf format
Engle CR, Kumar G, van Senten J
Resource-use efficiency in US aquaculture: farm-level comparisons across fish species and production systems
AEI 13:259-275 | Full text in pdf format
Mercaldo-Allen R, Clark P, Liu Y, Phillips G, Redman D, Auster PJ, Estela E, Milke L, Verkade A, Rose JM
Exploring video and eDNA metabarcoding methods to assess oyster aquaculture cages as fish habitat
AEI 13:277-294 | Full text in pdf format
Shinn JP, Munroe DM, Rose JM
NOTE: A fish’s-eye-view: accessible tools to document shellfish farms as marine habitat in New Jersey, USA
AEI 13:295-300 | Full text in pdf format
Arnull J, Wilson AMW, Brayne K, Dexter K, Donah AG, Gough CLA, Klückow T, Ngwenya B, Tudhope A
Ecological co-benefits from sea cucumber farming: Holothuria scabra increases growth rate of seagrass
AEI 13:301-310 | Full text in pdf format
Aubin J, Baizeau V, Jaeger C, Roucaute M, Gamito S
Modeling trophic webs in freshwater fishpond systems using Ecopath: towards better polyculture management
AEI 13:311-322 | Full text in pdf format
Islam SS, Wringe BF, Bøe K, Bradbury IR, Fleming IA
Early-life fitness trait variation among divergent European and North American farmed and Newfoundland wild Atlantic salmon populations
AEI 13:323-337 | Full text in pdf format
Stige LC, Helgesen KO, Viljugrein H, Qviller L
A statistical mechanistic approach including temperature and salinity effects to improve salmon lice modelling of infestation pressure
AEI 13:339-361 | Full text in pdf format
Dalsgaard J, von Ahnen M, Pedersen PB
Nutrient removal in a slow-flowing constructed wetland treating aquaculture effluent
AEI 13:363-376 | Full text in pdf format
Shephard S, Gargan P
System-specific salmon louse infestation thresholds for salmon farms to minimize impacts on wild sea trout populations
AEI 13:377-388 | Full text in pdf format
Song C, Wu Q, Sun J, Zhang R, Chen J, Wang X, Fang L, Liu Z, Shan X, Yin Y
In silico evaluation of interactions between antibiotics in aquaculture and nuclear hormone receptors
AEI 13:389-397 | Full text in pdf format
Skjæraasen JE, Karlsen Ø, Langangen Ø, van der Meeren T, Keeley NB, Myksvoll MS, Dahle G, Moland E, Nilsen R, Elvik Schrøder KM, Bannister RJ, Olsen EM
Impact of salmon farming on Atlantic cod spatio-temporal reproductive dynamics
AEI 13:399-412 | Full text in pdf format
Li W, Lin M, Ye S, Liu J, Gozlan RE, Li Z, Zhang T
Comparative growth, feeding and reproduction of hatchery-reared and wild mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi in a shallow Yangtze lake, China
AEI 13:413-423 | Full text in pdf format
Adams TP, Marshall S, Brown S, Black K
Validating a biophysical parasite model with fish farm pen and plankton trawl data
AEI 13:425-437 | Full text in pdf format
Ferriss B, Veggerby K, Bogeberg M, Conway-Cranos L, Hoberecht L, Kiffney P, Litle K, Toft J, Sanderson B
Characterizing the habitat function of bivalve aquaculture using underwater video
AEI 13:439-454 | Full text in pdf format
Dunlop K, Harendza A, Bannister R, Keeley N
Spatial response of hard- and mixed-bottom benthic epifauna to organic enrichment from salmon aquaculture in northern Norway
AEI 13:455-475 | Full text in pdf format
Chen JL, Hsiao YJ, Chuang CT
Developing payment for ecosystem service schemes for coastal aquaculture in southwestern Taiwan
AEI 13:477-488 | Full text in pdf format
Tong F, Zhang P, Zhang X, Chen P
Impact of oyster culture on coral reef bacterioplankton community composition and function in Daya Bay, China
AEI 13:489-503 | Full text in pdf format
Palm S, Karlsson S, Diserud OH
Genetic evidence of farmed straying and introgression in Swedish wild salmon populations
AEI 13:505-513 | Full text in pdf format
López Mengual I, Sanchez-Jerez P, Ballester-Berman JD
Offshore aquaculture as climate change adaptation in coastal areas: sea surface temperature trends in the Western Mediterranean Sea
AEI 13:515-526 | Full text in pdf format