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Aquaculture Environment Interactions

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AEI - Vol. 14 - Feature article
Market-size oysters, farming area and simulated oyster growth performance (blue: low, red: high) in Bourgneuf Bay

Photo credit: P. Cugier, Ifremer; SMIDAP; IGN 2022

Cugier P, Thomas Y, Bacher C

Ecosystem modelling to assess the impact of rearing density, environment variability and mortality on oyster production

Natural productivity of coastal ecosystems, rearing density and unpredicted mortality events drive the growth and production of oysters in shellfish farming areas. A good understanding of how these factors interact would help shellfish farmers to better adapt seeding to environmental changes in order to achieve individual marketable weight. We therefore implemented a 3D biophysical model to predict oyster growth and production in Bourgneuf Bay (French Atlantic coast). We showed how model predictions could be applied to guide farming practices to maintain production levels and recover from inter-annual variations in mortality and/or environmental conditions.


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