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Aquaculture Environment Interactions

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AEI - Vol. 3, No. 3 - Table of contents

AEI - Vol. 3, No. 3 - Table of contents

Aquacult Environ Interact (Print ISSN: 1869-215X; Online ISSN: 1869-7534)
Copyright © 2013 Inter-Research.

All articles of this Volume are available with Open Access, compliments of Inter-Research.

Koçer MAT, Kanyılmaz M, Yılayaz A, Sevgili H
Waste loading into a regulated stream from land-based trout farms
AEI 3:187-195 | Full text in pdf format

Fletcher LM, Forrest BM, Atalah J, Bell JJ
Reproductive seasonality of the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillum in New Zealand and implications for shellfish aquaculture
AEI 3:197-211 | Full text in pdf format

Skilbrei OT
Migratory behaviour and ocean survival of escaped out-of-season smolts of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
AEI 3:213-221 | Full text in pdf format

Jensen AJ, Karlsson S, Fiske P, Hansen LP, Hindar K, Østborg GM
Escaped farmed Atlantic salmon grow, migrate and disperse throughout the Arctic Ocean like wild salmon
AEI 3:223-229 | Full text in pdf format

Nakajima K, Kitada S, Yamazaki H, Takemori H, Obata Y, Iwamoto A, Hamasaki K
Ecological interactions between hatchery and wild fish: a case study based on the highly piscivorous Japanese Spanish mackerel
AEI 3:231-243 | Full text in pdf format

Korsøen ØJ, Dempster T, Fosseidengen JE, Karlsen Ø, Oppedal F, Stien LH, Kristiansen TS
Towards cod without spawning: artificial continuous light in submerged sea-cages maintains growth and delays sexual maturation for farmed Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
AEI 3:245-255 | Full text in pdf format

Petton B, Pernet F, Robert R, Boudry P
Temperature influence on pathogen transmission and subsequent mortalities in juvenile Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas
AEI 3:257-273 | Full text in pdf format

Keeley NB, Cromey CJ, Goodwin EO, Gibbs MT, Macleod CM
Predictive depositional modelling (DEPOMOD) of the interactive effect of current flow and resuspension on ecological impacts beneath salmon farms
AEI 3:275-291 | Full text in pdf format