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Aquaculture Environment Interactions

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AEI - Vol. 4, No. 2 - Table of contents

AEI - Vol. 4, No. 2 - Table of contents

Aquacult Environ Interact (Print ISSN: 1869-215X; Online ISSN: 1869-7534)
Copyright © 2013 Inter-Research.

All articles of this Volume are available with Open Access, compliments of Inter-Research.

Salama NKG, Rabe B
REVIEW: Developing models for investigating the environmental transmission of disease-causing agents within open-cage salmon aquaculture
AEI 4:91-115 | Full text in pdf format

Filgueira R, Grant J, Stuart R, Brown MS
Ecosystem modelling for ecosystem-based management of bivalve aquaculture sites in data-poor environments
AEI 4:117-133 | Full text in pdf format

Özgül A, Angel D
Wild fish aggregations around fish farms in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea: implications for fisheries management and conservation
AEI 4:135-145 | Full text in pdf format

Wang X, Andresen K, Handå A, Jensen B, Reitan KI, Olsen Y
Chemical composition and release rate of waste discharge from an Atlantic salmon farm with an evaluation of IMTA feasibility
AEI 4:147-162 | Full text in pdf format

Cranford PJ, Reid GK, Robinson SMC
AS WE SEE IT: Open water integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: constraints on the effectiveness of mussels as an organic extractive component
AEI 4:163-173 | Full text in pdf format

Guyondet T, Sonier R, Comeau LA
Spatially explicit seston depletion index to optimize shellfish culture
AEI 4:175-186 | Full text in pdf format

Broch OJ, Ellingsen IH, Forbord S, Wang X, Volent Z, Alver MO, Handå A, Andresen K, Slagstad D, Reitan KI, Olsen Y, Skjermo J
Modelling the cultivation and bioremediation potential of the kelp Saccharina latissima in close proximity to an exposed salmon farm in Norway
AEI 4:187-206 | Full text in pdf format