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Aquaculture Environment Interactions

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AEI - Vol. 6, No. 2 - Table of contents

AEI - Vol. 6, No. 2 - Table of contents

Aquacult Environ Interact (Print ISSN: 1869-215X; Online ISSN: 1869-7534)
Copyright © 2015 Inter-Research. Published January 13

All articles are Open Access and are freely available to all users.
Jones SRM, Bruno DW, Madsen L, Peeler EJ
REVIEW: Disease management mitigates risk of pathogen transmission from maricultured salmonids
AEI 6:119-134 | Full text in pdf format

Brager LM, Cranford PJ, Grant J, Robinson SMC
Spatial distribution of suspended particulate wastes at open-water Atlantic salmon and sablefish aquaculture farms in Canada
AEI 6:135-149 | Full text in pdf format

Price C, Black KD, Hargrave BT, Morris JA Jr
REVIEW: Marine cage culture and the environment: effects on water quality and primary production
AEI 6:151-174 | Full text in pdf format

Drouin A, Archambault P, Clynick B, Richer K, McKindsey CW
Influence of mussel aquaculture on the distribution of vagile benthic macrofauna in îles de la Madeleine, eastern Canada
AEI 6:175-183 | Full text in pdf format

Heino M, Svåsand T, Wennevik V, Glover KA
NOTE: Genetic introgression of farmed salmon in native populations: quantifying the relative influence of population size and frequency of escapees
AEI 6:185-190 | Full text in pdf format

Lu J, Huang L, Luo Y, Xiao T, Jiang Z, Wu L
Effects of freshwater input and mariculture (bivalves and macroalgae) on spatial distribution of nanoflagellates in Sungo Bay, China
AEI 6:191-203 | Full text in pdf format