Inter-Research > AEI > v8 > c_p675-689  
Aquaculture Environment Interactions

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AEI 8:675-689 (2016) - DOI:

Temporal variation in sea trout Salmo trutta life history traits in the Erriff River, western Ireland


P. G. Gargan*, F. L. Kelly, S. Shephard, K. F. Whelan

*Corresponding author:

January 5, 2017

An Erratum was issued. For details see AEI 8:691

May 22, 2024

As part of the preparation of a Comment/Reply Comment exchange related to the above article, several issues in text, figures and tables came to light and have now been corrected:


  • Length was defined as ‘fork length’ (p. 679).
  • A missing acknowledgement of previously published trout kelt sea age data from Tawnyard Lough for the years 1985–1988 was added (p. 679), with the corresponding addition of the reference O'Farrell & Whelan (1991) to the Literature Cited.
  • A justification for presenting kelt data with a 35 cm length cut off (based on O’Farrell et al. 1989) was added (p. 679).
  • The data source for 1983 and 1984 Tawnyard sea trout was specified as 'M. O'Farrell unpubl. data' (p. 680).
  • Table 2: since the number of eggs is calculated based on spawned fish caught the following year, the years were corrected to reflect the year of egg deposition instead of the year of fish sampling, and an explanatory footnote was added.


  • Table 4: the legend and column headings were revised (and vertical divider lines were added) to clarify or correct which data are shown and to indicate that data came from 3 different (unrelated) datasets. A typographical error in the value for ‘Total no. trout’ in 1998 was corrected.
  • Fig. 5: since the data for the first 4 yr are multi-modal, mean values are not representative; modes were therefore added for statistical accuracy, and the legend was revised. The value for 1993 was based on an incomplete data set (n = 61); the value was therefore recalculated based on all available fish measurements (n = 132) and corrected. The meaning of the dashed line in 1989 was corrected and the year was added along the x-axis.
  • Fig. 6: as for Table 2, the years were corrected to reflect the year of egg deposition instead of the year of fish sampling, and an explanatory note was added. The year with no data was added to the graph for consistency.


  • The period 1990–1994 was incorrectly defined as the time immediately after the commencement of salmon farming in Killary Harbour (actually: the years following 1986). This definition was corrected (p. 685).

The original publication was erroneously tagged as Note instead of Research Article. This has been corrected.

The authors thank Dr. Martin O'Farrell for pointing out some issues in relation to corrections required in tables and figures and clarifications inserted in general text.

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