Monsees H, Keitel J, Paul M, Kloas W, Wuertz S
Potential of aquacultural sludge treatment for aquaponics: evaluation of nutrient mobilization under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
AEI 9:9-18 | Full text in pdf format
Bruhn et al., AEI 8:619-636
AEI 9:19 | Full text in pdf format
Olsen LM, Hernández KL, Ardelan MV, Iriarte JL, Bizsel KC, Olsen Y
Responses in bacterial community structure to waste nutrients from aquaculture: an in situ microcosm experiment in a Chilean fjord
AEI 9:21-32 | Full text in pdf format
Patursson EJ, Simonsen K, Visser AW, Patursson Ø
Effect of exposure on salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis population dynamics in Faroese salmon farms
AEI 9:33-43 | Full text in pdf format
Xiong Y, Wang F, Guo X, Liu F, Dong S
Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes across the sediment−water interface in different grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella polyculture models
AEI 9:45-56 | Full text in pdf format
Walls AM, Edwards MD, Firth LB, Johnson MP
Successional changes of epibiont fouling communities of the cultivated kelp Alaria esculenta: predictability and influences
AEI 9:57-71 | Full text in pdf format
FEATURE ARTICLE Gatune C, Vanreusel A, De Troch M Sunlight and sediment improve the environment of a litter biofilm-based shrimp culture system AEI 9:73-85 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Atalah J, Rabel H, Forrest BM
Modelling long-term recruitment patterns of blue mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis: a biofouling pest of green-lipped mussel aquaculture in New Zealand
AEI 9:103-114 | Full text in pdf format
Forrest BM, Atalah J
Significant impact from blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis biofouling on aquaculture production of green-lipped mussels in New Zealand
AEI 9:115-126 | Full text in pdf format
Filgueira R, Guyondet T, Reid GK, Grant J, Cranford PJ
Vertical particle fluxes dominate integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) sites: implications for shellfish-finfish synergy
AEI 9:127-143 | Full text in pdf format
Oldham T, Dempster T, Fosse JO, Oppedal F
Oxygen gradients affect behaviour of caged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
AEI 9:145-153 | Full text in pdf format
Capelle JJ, van Stralen MR, Wijsman JWM, Herman PMJ, Smaal AC
Population dynamics of subtidal blue mussels Mytilus edulis and the impact of cultivation
AEI 9:155-168 | Full text in pdf format
Casas S, Walton W, Chaplin G, Rikard S, Supan J, La Peyre J
Performance of oysters selected for dermo resistance compared to wild oysters in northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries
AEI 9:169-180 | Full text in pdf format
Shephard S, Gargan P
Quantifying the contribution of sea lice from aquaculture to declining annual returns in a wild Atlantic salmon population
AEI 9:181-192 | Full text in pdf format
Hansen TJ, Fjelldal PG, Folkedal O, Vågseth T, Oppedal F
Effects of light source and intensity on sexual maturation, growth and swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon in sea cages
AEI 9:193-204 | Full text in pdf format
Munroe D, Bushek D, Woodruff P, Calvo L
NOTE: Intertidal rack-and-bag oyster farms have limited interaction with horseshoe crab activity in New Jersey, USA
AEI 9:205-211 | Full text in pdf format
Mohamed Ramli N, Verdegem MCJ, Yusoff FM, Zulkifely MK, Verreth JAJ
Removal of ammonium and nitrate in recirculating aquaculture systems by the epiphyte Stigeoclonium nanum immobilized in alginate beads
AEI 9:213-222 | Full text in pdf format
Xia B, Sun ZL, Gao QF, Dong SL, Li L, Wen HS, Feng JX
Uptake of farming wastes by sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus in polyculture systems of abalone Haliotis discus hannai: evidence from C and N stable isotopes
AEI 9:223-230 | Full text in pdf format
Jonsson B, Jonsson N
Maternal inheritance influences homing and growth of hybrid offspring between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon
AEI 9:231-238 | Full text in pdf format
South PM, Floerl O, Jeffs AG
Differential effects of adult mussels on the retention and fine-scale distribution of juvenile seed mussels and biofouling organisms in long-line aquaculture
AEI 9:239-256 | Full text in pdf format
Sharawy ZZ, Thiele R, Abbas EM, El-Magd MA, Hassaan MS, Peter C, Schmidt J, Saborowski R, Goda AMAS, Slater MJ
Antioxidant response and body composition of whiteleg shrimp co-cultured with Nile tilapia in recirculating aquaculture
AEI 9:257-268 | Full text in pdf format
Wright DW, Nowak B, Oppedal F, Bridle A, Dempster T
Free-living Neoparamoeba perurans depth distribution is mostly uniform in salmon cages, but reshaped by stratification and potentially extreme fish crowding
AEI 9:269-279 | Full text in pdf format
Hou YR, Sun YJ, Gao QF, Dong SL, Wen B, Yu HB
Optimal mud to sand ratios in sediment for sea cucumber aquaculture as revealed by carbon stable isotopes
AEI 9:281-291 | Full text in pdf format
Nhut N, Hao NV, Bosma RH, Verreth JAV, Verdegem MCJ, Eding EH
Quantifying sustainability indicators in striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus downstream and upstream ponds
AEI 9:293-309 | Full text in pdf format
Lennox RJ, Havn TB, Thorstad EB, Liberg E, Cooke SJ, Uglem I
Behaviour and survival of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar captured and released while surveillance angling for escaped farmed salmon
AEI 9:311-319 | Full text in pdf format
Ma L, Zhu J, Chen Q, Li W, Huang GH
Beneficial effects of fish stocking on performance and pest control in the lotus field system
AEI 9:321-329 | Full text in pdf format
Becker C, Hughen K, Mincer TJ, Ossolinski J, Weber L, Apprill A
Impact of prawn farming effluent on coral reef water nutrients and microorganisms
AEI 9:331-346 | Full text in pdf format
Liu C, Wang Q, Zhao W, Liu H, Tang X, Zhang Z, Zhou J
Assessing the carrying capacity of Perinereis aibuhitensis in a Chinese estuarine wetland using a GIS-based habitat suitability index model
AEI 9:347-360 | Full text in pdf format
Hvas M, Oppedal F
Sustained swimming capacity of Atlantic salmon
AEI 9:361-369 | Full text in pdf format
Hatzonikolakis Y, Tsiaras K, Theodorou JA, Petihakis G, Sofianos S, Triantafyllou G
Simulation of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis growth with a dynamic energy budget model in Maliakos and Thermaikos Gulfs (Eastern Mediterranean)
AEI 9:371-383 | Full text in pdf format
Araújo CAS, Sampaio FG, Alcântara E, Curtarelli MP, Ogashawara I, Stech JL
Effects of atmospheric cold fronts on stratification and water quality of a tropical reservoir: implications for aquaculture
AEI 9:385-403 | Full text in pdf format
Xia B, Ren Y, Wang F, Yu D, Cui G, Chen J
A comparative study on growth, protein turnover and energy budget of green and white color morphs of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka)
AEI 9:405-414 | Full text in pdf format
Charles C, Blanchfield PJ, Gillis DM
Site fidelity of escaped rainbow trout to an experimental freshwater aquaculture facility and habitat overlap with native fish fauna
AEI 9:415-428 | Full text in pdf format
Woodcock SH, Troedsson C, Strohmeier T, Balseiro P, Skaar KS, Strand Ø Combining biochemical methods to trace organic effluent from fish farms AEI 9:429-443 | | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]()
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Lee SJ, Jo Q, Han JC, Park YC, Park TG
Pelagic oxycline and damage potential of hypoxia to the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas suspended in longline aquaculture systems
AEI 9:461-468 | Full text in pdf format
Han T, Shi R, Qi Z, Huang H, Liang Q, Liu H
Interactive effects of oyster and seaweed on seawater dissolved inorganic carbon systems: implications for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
AEI 9:469-478 | Full text in pdf format
Feng J, Tian XL, Dong SL, He RP, Zhang K, Zhang DX, Zhang QQ
Model-based analysis of the energy fluxes and trophic structure of a Portunus trituberculatus polyculture ecosystem
AEI 9:479-490 | Full text in pdf format