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Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME - Vol. 15, No. 2 - Table of contents

AME - Vol. 15, No. 2 - Table of contents

Aquat Microb Ecol (Print ISSN: 0948-3055; Online ISSN: 1616-1564)
Copyright © 1998 Inter-Research
Published July 02

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Weinbauer MG, Höfle MG
Size-specific mortality of lake bacterioplankton by natural virus communities
AME 15:103-113 | Full text in pdf format

Grossart HP, Simon M
Significance of limnetic organic aggregates (lake snow) for the sinking flux of particulate organic matter in a large lake
AME 15:115-125 | Full text in pdf format

Grossart HP, Simon M
Bacterial colonization and microbial decomposition of limnetic organic aggregates (lake snow)
AME 15:127-140 | Full text in pdf format

Mulholland MR, Glibert PM, Berg GM, Van Heukelem L, Pantoja S, Lee C
Extracellular amino acid oxidation by microplankton: a cross-ecosystem comparison
AME 15:141-152 | Full text in pdf format

Raghukumar C, Raghukumar S
Barotolerance of fungi isolated from deep-sea sediments of the Indian Ocean
AME 15:153-163 | Full text in pdf format

Kristensen E, Jensen MH, Banta GT, Hansen K, Holmer M, King GM
Transformation and transport of inorganic nitrogen in sediments of a southeast Asian mangrove forest
AME 15:165-175 | Full text in pdf format

Bronk DA, Glibert PM, Malone TC, Banahan S, Sahlsten E
Inorganic and organic nitrogen cycling in Chesapeake Bay: autotrophic versus heterotrophic processes and relationships to carbon flux
AME 15:177-189 | Full text in pdf format

Thamdrup B, Fleischer S
Temperature dependence of oxygen respiration, nitrogen mineralization, and nitrification in Arctic sediments
AME 15:191-199 | Full text in pdf format

Kühl M, Steuckart C, Eickert G, Jeroschewski P
A H2S microsensor for profiling biofilms and sediments: application in an acidic lake sediment
AME 15:201-209 | Full text in pdf format