Noble RT, Middelboe M, Fuhrman JA
Effects of viral enrichment on the mortality and growth of heterotrophic bacterioplankton
AME 18:1-13 | Full text in pdf format
Bañeras L, Rodriguez-Gonzalez J, Garcia-Gil LJ
Contribution of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria to the alkaline phosphatase activity in anoxic aquatic ecosystems
AME 18:15-22 | Full text in pdf format
Carlsson P, Granéli E, Segatto AZ
Cycling of biologically available nitrogen in riverine humic substances between marine bacteria, a heterotrophic nanoflagellate and a photosynthetic dinoflagellate
AME 18:23-36 | Full text in pdf format
Granéli E, Carlsson P, Turner JT, Tester PA, Béchemin C, Dawson R, Funari E
Effects of N:P:Si ratios and zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton communities in the northern Adriatic Sea. I. Nutrients, phytoplankton biomass, and polysaccharide production
AME 18:37-54 | Full text in pdf format
Carlsson P, Granéli E
Effects of N:P:Si ratios and zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton communities in the northern Adriatic Sea. II. Phytoplankton species composition
AME 18:55-65 | Full text in pdf format
Turner JT, Tester PA, Lincoln JA, Carlsson P, Granéli E
Effects of N:P:Si ratios and zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton communities in the northern Adriatic Sea. III. Zooplankton populations and grazing
AME 18:67-75 | Full text in pdf format
Urabe J, Gurung TB, Yoshida T
Effects of phosphorus supply on phagotrophy by the mixotrophic alga Uroglena americana (Chrysophyceae)
AME 18:77-83 | Full text in pdf format
Pausz C, Herndl GJ
Role of ultraviolet radiation on phytoplankton extracellular release and its subsequent utilization by marine bacterioplankton
AME 18:85-93 | Full text in pdf format
Pfister G, Sonntag B, Posch T
Comparison of a direct live count and an improved quantitative protargol stain (QPS) in determining abundance and cell volumes of pelagic freshwater protozoa
AME 18:95-103 | Full text in pdf format