Choi JW, Sherr BF, Sherr EB
Dead or alive? A large fraction of ETS-inactive marine bacterioplankton cells, as assessed by reduction of CTC, can become ETS-active with incubation and substrate addition
AME 18:105-115 | Full text in pdf format
Sherr BF, del Giorgio P, Sherr EB
Estimating abundance and single-cell characteristics of respiring bacteria via the redox dye CTC
AME 18:117-131 | Full text in pdf format
Vrede K
Effects of inorganic nutrients and zooplankton on the growth of heterotrophic bacterioplankton - enclosure experiments in an oligotrophic clearwater lake
AME 18:133-144 | Full text in pdf format
Thingstad TF, Pérez M, Pelegri S, Dolan J, Rassoulzadegan F
Trophic control of bacterial growth in microcosms containing a natural community from northwest Mediterranean surface waters
AME 18:145-156 | Full text in pdf format
Riess W, Giere O, Kohls O, Sarbu SM
Anoxic thermomineral cave waters and bacterial mats as habitat for freshwater nematodes
AME 18:157-164 | Full text in pdf format
Stal LJ, Staal M, Villbrandt M
Nutrient control of cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea
AME 18:165-173 | Full text in pdf format
Wallberg P, Jonsson PR, Johnstone R
Abundance, biomass and growth rates of pelagic microorganisms in a tropical coastal ecosystem
AME 18:175-185 | Full text in pdf format
Kirchman DL, White J
Hydrolysis and mineralization of chitin in the Delaware Estuary
AME 18:187-196 | Full text in pdf format
Wolfe GV, Levasseur M, Cantin G, Michaud S
Microbial consumption and production of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the Labrador Sea
AME 18:197-205 | Full text in pdf format