Berman T, Kaplan B, Chava S, Viner Y, Sherr BF, Sherr EB
Metabolically active bacteria in Lake Kinneret
AME 23:213-224 | Full text in pdf format
de Bie MJM, Speksnijder AGCL, Kowalchuk GA, Schuurman T, Zwart G, Stephen JR, Diekmann OE, Laanbroek HJ
Shifts in the dominant populations of ammonia-oxidizing b-subclass Proteobacteria along the eutrophic Schelde estuary
AME 23:225-236 | Full text in pdf format
Pajdak-Stós A, Fialkowska E, Fyda J
Phormidium autumnale (Cyanobacteria) defense against three ciliate grazer species
AME 23:237-244 | Full text in pdf format
Jakobsen HH, Hyatt C, Buskey EJ
Growth and grazing on the 'Texas brown tide' alga Aureoumbra lagunensis by the tintinnid Amphorides quadrilineata
AME 23:245-252 | Full text in pdf format
Strom SL
Light-aided digestion, grazing and growth in herbivorous protists
AME 23:253-261 | Full text in pdf format
Lee CW, Kudo I, Yanada M, Maita Y
Bacterial abundance and production and heterotrophic nanoflagellate abundance in subarctic coastal waters (Western North Pacific Ocean)
AME 23:263-271 | Full text in pdf format
Shiah FK, Chen TY, Gong GC, Chen CC, Chiang KP, Hung JJ
Differential coupling of bacterial and primary production in mesotrophic and oligotrophic systems of the East China Sea
AME 23:273-282 | Full text in pdf format
Calbet A, Landry MR, Nunnery S
Bacteria-flagellate interactions in the microbial food web of the oligotrophic subtropical North Pacific
AME 23:283-292 | Full text in pdf format
Bagwell CE, Dantzler M, Bergholz PW, Lovell CR
Host-specific ecotype diversity of rhizoplane diazotrophs of the perennial glasswort Salicornia virginica and selected salt marsh grasses
AME 23:293-300 | Full text in pdf format
Sala MM, Karner M, Arin L, Marrasé C
Measurement of ectoenzyme activities as an indication of inorganic nutrient imbalance in microbial communities
AME 23:301-311 | Full text in pdf format