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Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME - Vol. 24, No. 3 - Table of contents

AME - Vol. 24, No. 3 - Table of contents

Aquat Microb Ecol (Print ISSN: 0948-3055; Online ISSN: 1616-1564)
Copyright © 2001 Inter-Research
Published July 18

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Crosbie ND, Furnas MJ
Net growth rates of picocyanobacteria and nano-/microphytoplankton inhabiting shelf waters of the central (17°S) and southern (20°S) Great Barrier Reef
AME 24:209-224 | Full text in pdf format

Archer SD, Widdicombe CE, Tarran GA, Rees AP, Burkill PH
Production and turnover of particulate dimethylsulphoniopropionate during a coccolithophore bloom in the northern North Sea
AME 24:225-241 | Full text in pdf format

Keith SC, Arnosti C
Extracellular enzyme activity in a river-bay-shelf transect: variations in polysaccharide hydrolysis rates with substrate and size class
AME 24:243-253 | Full text in pdf format

Berman T, Viner-Mozzini Y
Abundance and characteristics of polysaccharide and proteinaceous particles in Lake Kinneret
AME 24:255-264 | Full text in pdf format

Boelen P, Veldhuis MJW, Buma AGJ
Accumulation and removal of UVBR-induced DNA damage in marine tropical plankton subjected to mixed and simulated non-mixed conditions
AME 24:265-274 | Full text in pdf format

Coyne KJ, Hutchins DA, Hare CE, Cary SC
Assessing temporal and spatial variability in Pfiesteria piscicida distributions using molecular probing techniques
AME 24:275-285 | Full text in pdf format

Hale MS, Mitchell JG
Functional morphology of diatom frustule microstructures: hydrodynamic control of Brownian particle diffusion and advection
AME 24:287-295 | Full text in pdf format

Pitta P, Giannakourou A, Christaki U
Planktonic ciliates in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: longitudinal trends of standing stocks, distributions and analysis of food vacuole contents
AME 24:297-311 | Full text in pdf format