Hofer JS, Sommaruga R
Seasonal dynamics of viruses in an alpine lake: importance of filamentous forms
AME 26:1-11 | Full text in pdf format
Kirchman DL, Yu L, Fuchs BM, Amann R
Structure of bacterial communities in aquatic systems as revealed by filter PCR
AME 26:13-22 | Full text in pdf format
Brachvogel T, Schweitzer B, Simon M
Dynamics and bacterial colonization of microaggregates in a large mesotrophic lake
AME 26:23-35 | Full text in pdf format
Anderson TR, Ducklow HW
Microbial loop carbon cycling in ocean environments studied using a simple steady-state model
AME 26:37-49 | Full text in pdf format
Vila M, Garcés E, Masó M
Potentially toxic epiphytic dinoflagellate assemblages on macroalgae in the NW Mediterranean
AME 26:51-60 | Full text in pdf format
Hamels I, Moens T, Muylaert K, Vyverman W
Trophic interactions between ciliates and nematodes from an intertidal flat
AME 26:61-72 | Full text in pdf format
Sridhar KR, Krauss G, Bärlocher F, Raviraja NS, Wennrich R, Baumbach R, Krauss GJ
Decomposition of alder leaves in two heavy metal-polluted streams in central Germany
AME 26:73-80 | Full text in pdf format
Berg P, Rysgaard S, Funch P, Sejr MK
Effects of bioturbation on solutes and solids in marine sediments
AME 26:81-94 | Full text in pdf format
Matsui K, Honjo M, Kawabata Z
Estimation of the fate of dissolved DNA in thermally stratified lake water from the stability of exogenous plasmid DNA
AME 26:95-102 | Full text in pdf format