Kritzberg ES, Cole JJ, Pace MM, Granéli W
Does autochthonous primary production drive variability in bacterial metabolism and growth efficiency in lakes dominated by terrestrial C inputs?
AME 38:103-111 | Full article in pdf format
Daniel C, Gutseit K, Anesio AM, Granéli W
Microbial food webs in the dark: independence of lake plankton from recent algal production
AME 38:113-123 | Full article in pdf format
Cajal-Medrano R, Maske H
Growth efficiency and respiration at different growth rates in glucose-limited chemostats with natural marine bacteria populations
AME 38:125-133 | Full article in pdf format
Arnosti C, Durkin S, Jeffrey WH
Patterns of extracellular enzyme activities among pelagic marine microbial communities: implications for cycling of dissolved organic carbon
AME 38:135-145 | Full article in pdf format
Juhl AR, Murrell MC
Interactions between nutrients, phytoplankton growth, and microzooplankton grazing in a Gulf of Mexico estuary
AME 38:147-156 | Full article in pdf format
Calbet A, Saiz E
The ciliate-copepod link in marine ecosystems
AME 38:157-167 | Full article in pdf format
Bellinger BJ, Abdullahi AS, Gretz MR, Underwood GJC
Biofilm polymers: relationship between carbohydrate biopolymers from estuarine mudflats and unialgal cultures of benthic diatoms
AME 38:169-180 | Full article in pdf format
Papaspyrou S, Gregersen T, Cox RP, Thessalou-Legaki M, Kristensen E
Sediment properties and bacterial community in burrows of the ghost shrimp Pestarella tyrrhena (Decapoda: Thalassinidea)
AME 38:181-190 | Full article in pdf format
Dobretsov S, Dahms HU, Qian PY
Antibacterial and anti-diatom activity of Hong Kong sponges
AME 38:191-201 | Full article in pdf format