Baudoux AC, Noordeloos AAM, Veldhuis MJW, Brussaard CPD
Virally induced mortality of Phaeocystis globosa during two spring blooms in temperate coastal waters
AME 44:207-217 | Full text in pdf format
Dufour P, Sarazin G, Quiblier C, Sane S, Leboulanger C
Cascading nutrient limitation of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in a Sahelian lake (North Senegal)
AME 44:219-230 | Full text in pdf format
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Fukushima T
Effect of iron complexation with dissolved organic matter on the growth of cyanobacteria in a eutrophic lake
AME 44:231-239 | Full text in pdf format
Pinhassi J, Gómez-Consarnau L, Alonso-Sáez L, Sala MM, Vidal M, Pedrós-Alió C, Gasol JM
Seasonal changes in bacterioplankton nutrient limitation and their effects on bacterial community composition in the NW Mediterranean Sea
AME 44:241-252 | Full text in pdf format
Cunha A, Almeida A
Influence of an estuarine plume and marine sewage outfall on the dynamics of coastal bacterioplankton communities
AME 44:253-262 | Full text in pdf format
Jeong HJ, Ha JH, Park JY, Kim JH, Kang NS, Kim S, Kim JS, Yoo YD, Yih WH
Distribution of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida in Korean waters and its consumption of mixotrophic dinoflagellates, raphidophytes and fish blood cells
AME 44:263-278 | Full text in pdf format
Ma S, Whereat EB, Luther GW III
Shift of algal community structure in dead end lagoons of the Delaware Inland Bays during seasonal anoxia
AME 44:279-290 | Full text in pdf format
Houdan A, Probert I, Zatylny C, Véron B, Billard C
Ecology of oceanic coccolithophores. I. Nutritional preferences of the two stages in the life cycle of Coccolithus braarudii and Calcidiscus leptoporus
AME 44:291-301 | Full text in pdf format
Andersson MGI, van Rijswijk P, Middelburg JJ
Uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, urea and amino acids in the Scheldt estuary: comparison of organic carbon and nitrogen uptake
AME 44:303-315 | Full text in pdf format