Posch T, Franzoi J, Prader M, Salcher MMNew image analysis tool to study biomass and morphotypes of three major bacterioplankton groups in an alpine lake AME 54:113-126 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Kobayashi Y, Kim C, Yoshimizu C, Kohzu A, Tayasu I, Nagata T
Longitudinal changes in bacterial community
composition in river epilithic biofilms: influence of nutrients and organic matter
AME 54:135-152 | Full text in pdf format
He L, Yin K, Yuan X, Li D, Zhang D, Harrison PJ
Spatial distribution of viruses, bacteria and chlorophyll in the northern South China Sea
AME 54:153-162 | Full text in pdf format
Gao EB, Yuan XP, Li RH, Zhang QY
Isolation of a novel cyanophage infectious to the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii (Cyanophyceae) from Lake Donghu, China
AME 54:163-170 | Full text in pdf format
Schapira M, Buscot MJ, Leterme SC, Pollet T, Chapperon C, Seuront L
Distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and virus-like particles along a salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon
AME 54:171-183 | Full text in pdf format
Thornton DCO, Visser LA
Measurement of acid polysaccharides (APS) associated with microphytobenthos in salt marsh sediments
AME 54:185-198 | Full text in pdf format
Lami R, Ghiglione JF, Desdevises Y, West NJ, Lebaron P
Annual patterns of presence and activity of marine bacteria monitored by 16S rDNA-16S rRNA fingerprints in the coastal NW Mediterranean Sea
AME 54:199-210 | Full text in pdf format
Sánchez O, Gasol JM, Balagué V, Massana R, Mas J, Pedrós-Alió C
Influence of primer mismatch and microdiversity on DGGE results: a case study with SAR11
AME 54:211-216 | Full text in pdf format