Inter-Research > AME > v67 > n2 > p139-149  
Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME 67:139-149 (2012)  -  DOI:

Effect of different salinities on growth and intra- and extracellular toxicity of four strains of the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum

Astrid Weissbach, Catherine Legrand*

Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS), School of Natural Sciences, Linnæus University, 39182 Kalmar, Sweden

ABSTRACT: The present study investigates the effect of brackish (7 PSU) and marine (26 PSU) salinity on physiological parameters and intra- and extracellular toxicity in 4 strains of Prymnesium parvum Carter. The different P. parvum strains were grown in batch cultures in 2 trials under different experimental conditions to test the development of intra- and extracellular toxicity during growth. The response of P. parvum toxicity to salinity was validated using 2 protocols. Intraspecific variations in growth rate, maximal cell density (yield) and cell morphology were controlled by salinity. Extracellular toxicity was higher at 7 PSU in all strains, but no correlation was found between intra- and extracellular toxicity. The variation of extracellular toxicity in response to salinity was much greater than that of intracellular toxicity, which indicates that P. parvum may be producing a variety of substances contributing to its various types of ‘toxicity’.

KEY WORDS: Allelopathy · Extracellular toxicity · Harmful algal species · Intracellular toxicity · Prymnesium parvum · Salinity · Strain

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Cite this article as: Weissbach A, Legrand C (2012) Effect of different salinities on growth and intra- and extracellular toxicity of four strains of the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum. Aquat Microb Ecol 67:139-149.

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