Inter-Research > AME > v90 > p41-60  
Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME 90:41-60 (2024)  -  DOI:

Interactions between bacteria and microalgae in microalgal-bacterial symbiotic wastewater treatment systems: mechanisms and influencing factors

Linxue Qi1, Xiuhong Liu1,*, Yongqing Gao3, Qing Yang2, Ziheng Wang1, Nan Zhang1, Xueying Su4

1Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, PR China
2National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, PR China
3Beijing Drainage Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, PR China
4Beijing Engineering Research Center of Wastewater Resource, Beijing 100124, PR China
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Microalgal-bacterial symbiotic wastewater treatment systems (MBSWTSs) have received widespread attention due to their capacity to achieve high pollutant removal efficiency during wastewater treatment, with low energy consumption requirements, efficient carbon sequestration, and wastewater resource utilization. This paper provides an overview of the treatment performance and current research status of MBSWTSs, including a detailed summary of the mechanisms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon removal by MBSWTSs and the interactions between bacteria and microalgae. In particular, this review focuses on the influence of operational parameters on the regulation of the symbiotic system, such as the microalgal:bacterial ratio, N:P ratio, external carbon source, dissolved oxygen concentration, aeration mode, and light availability. Among these factors, the microalgal:bacterial ratio, carbon source, and light availability have an important influence on microalgal-bacterial competition, as well as the trophic mode of the system, biomass production, and the capacity for the process to be practically applied on a large scale. MBSWTSs still have some challenging aspects that have hindered their development and application, such as the unknown mechanism of microalgal-bacterial co-metabolism, limited previous practical applications, algal contamination, and harvesting difficulties. To overcome these challenges, future research requires a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating life sciences, material science, and other disciplines. Comprehensive research should be conducted on the metabolic mechanisms of MBSWTSs, the optimization of process performance and waste resource utilization, providing a theoretical and practical foundation for the practical application of MBSWTSs.

KEY WORDS: Microalgal-bacterial symbiotic wastewater treatment system · Process performance · Nutrient removal mechanism · Synergistic-competition mechanism · Influencing factors

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Cite this article as: Qi L, Liu X, Gao Y, Yang Q, Wang Z, Zhang N, Su X (2024) Interactions between bacteria and microalgae in microalgal-bacterial symbiotic wastewater treatment systems: mechanisms and influencing factors. Aquat Microb Ecol 90:41-60.

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