Gérard JC, Hauglustaine DA
Transient climate response to solar irradiance: reconstruction for the last 120 years
CR 1:161-167 | Full text in pdf format
Yohe GW
Selecting 'interesting' scenarios with which to analyze policy response to potential climate change
CR 1:169-177 | Full text in pdf format
Willmott CJ, Legates DR
Rising estimates of terrestrial and global precipitation
CR 1:179-186 | Full text in pdf format
Haque MA, Lal M
Space and time variability analyses of the Indian monsoon rainfall as inferred from satellite-derived OLR data
CR 1:187-197 | Full text in pdf format
Travis DJ, Meentemeyer V
Influence of glaze ice storms on growth rates of loblolly pine Pinus taeda and shortleaf pine Pinus echinata in the Southern Appalachian Piedmont
CR 1:199-205 | Full text in pdf format
Giambelluca TW, Nullet D
Influence of the trade-wind inversion on the climate of a leeward mountain slope in Hawaii
CR 1:207-216 | Full text in pdf format
Pérez FL
Soil moisture and the distribution of giant Andean rosettes on talus slopes of a desert paramo
CR 1:217-231 | Full text in pdf format
Miglietta F
Simulation of wheat ontogenesis. III. Effect of variety, nitrogen fertilization and water stress on leaf appearance and final leaf number in the field
CR 1:233-242 | Full text in pdf format