Inter-Research > CR > v05 > n1 > p25-30  
Climate Research

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CR 05:25-30 (1995)  -  DOI:

Impacts of increased winter snow cover on upland tundra vegetation: a case example

Scott PA, Rouse WR

The erection of a snow fence on upland tundra caused a significant change of the vegetation over 11 yr. Compared to nearby exposed tundra, the presence of the snow fence resulted in a warmer soil in winter and a moister and cooler soil in summer. Moisture-intolerant species such as Cetraria nivalis and C. cuculata disappeared completely or decreased in frequency, whereas the more moisture-tolerant species such as Vaccinium uliginosum and Arctostaphylos alpina increased in frequency or established at the site. In terms of climate, any change that promotes a greater winter snowfall, which is the case for warming scenarios in general circulation models, would initiate a relatively rapid change in species composition on upland tundra, particularly if accompanied by increased summer rainfall.

Climate change · Snow · Tundra vegetation

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