Inter-Research > CR > v06 > n2 > p89-95  
Climate Research

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CR 06:89-95 (1996)  -  DOI:

Vulnerability assessment of water resources in Egypt to climatic change in the Nile Basin

Strzepek KM, Yates DN, El Quosy DED

The impacts of global climate change on the water resources of the Nile River Basin were evaluated using simulation models. Four climate change scenarios were evaluated (baseline, GISS, GFDL, and UKMO). The complete impact of climatic changes in the Nile cannot be fully predicted with confidence, as some models forecast increased flows, while others project significant decreases. However, it was observed that the Nile River flow is extremely sensitive to ambient temperature and precipitation changes, and it is possible that the effects of climatic fluctuations would be severe. Several water management options were identified to help adapt Nile River management to a changing global climate.

Climate change · Egypt · Nile · Potential adjustments · Water balance model(s) · Water resources

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