Inter-Research > CR > v10 > n3 > p179-191  
Climate Research

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CR 10:179-191 (1998)  -  doi:10.3354/cr010179

Detecting relationships between the interannual variability in ecological time series and climate using a multivariate statistical approach--a case study on Helgoland Roads zooplankton

Hauke Heyen1,*, Heino Fock2, Wulf Greve2

1GKSS Institut für Gewässerphysik, Max-Planck-Straße, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany
2Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Notkestraße 31, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany

ABSTRACT: A multivariate statistical approach is presented that allows a systematic search for potential relationships between the variability in ecological time series and climate records. In this study, interannual variability in large- and mesoscale climate variables in the North Sea region is compared with variability in local zooplankton observations from Helgoland. The species Noctiluca scintillans (Protozoa), Temora longicornis and Acartia sp. (Copepoda), and spionid larvae (Polychaeta) are examined. The multivariate model detected several high correlations between zooplankton abundance and winter climate. Based on these correlations, complementary hypotheses about the causal relationships are discussed using available local data.

KEY WORDS: Zooplankton · Climate · Variability · North Sea · Empirical Orthogonal Functions · Canonical Correlation

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