Inter-Research > CR > v18 > n1-2 > p113-118  
Climate Research

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CR 18:113-118 (2001)  -  doi:10.3354/cr018113

Indications of climate change in coastal areas: what may fish otoliths tell us?

Rüdiger Berghahn*

Umweltbundesamt, Versuchsfeld Marienfelde, Schichauweg 58, 12307 Berlin, Germany

ABSTRACT: The relative occurrence of hyaline zones in the otoliths of the 0-group of certain flatfish species may serve as an indicator for changes in UV-B radiation in the course of climate change. The importance of factors other than UV-B, which are also related to climate change, is discussed.

KEY WORDS: Climate change · Flatfish · Tidal flats · Environmental stress · UV-B radiation · Hydrogen peroxide · Otoliths · Biological tags

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