Budikova D
Effect of the Arctic Oscillation on precipitation in the eastern USA during ENSO winters
CR 37:3-16 | Full text in pdf format
Qian B, Gameda S, Hayhoe H
Performance of stochastic weather generators LARS-WG and AAFC-WG for reproducing daily extremes of diverse Canadian climates
CR 37:17-33 | Full text in pdf format
Vallebona C, Genesio L, Crisci A, Pasqui M, Di Vecchia A, Maracchi G
Large-scale climatic patterns forcing desert locust upsurges in West Africa
CR 37:35-41 | Full text in pdf format
Brown I, Towers W, Rivington M, Black HIJ
Influence of climate change on agricultural land-use potential: adapting and updating the land capability system for Scotland
CR 37:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
Matthews KB, Rivington M, Buchan K, Miller D, Bellocchi G
Characterising the agro-meteorological implications of climate change scenarios for land management stakeholders
CR 37:59-75 | Full text in pdf format
Orr HG, Wilby RL, McKenzie Hedger M, Brown I
REVIEW: Climate change in the uplands: a UK perspective on safeguarding regulatory ecosystem services
CR 37:77-98 | Full text in pdf format
Makra L, Tombácz S, Bálint B, Sümeghy Z, Sánta T, Hirsch T
Influences of meteorological parameters and biological and chemical air pollutants on the incidence of asthma and rhinitis
CR 37:99-119 | Full text in pdf format