Climate Change and the British Uplands
Editors: J.M. Clark, A.V. Gallego-Sala, J.I. House, H.G. Orr, C. Freeman, I.C. Prentice, P. Smith, M.A. Semenov
The CR SPECIAL on Climate Change and the British Uplands presents a synthesis of current knowledge to help inform policy decisions about safeguarding ecosystem service provision. Work was carried out through a joint project co-funded by the Environment Agency and the Natural Environment Research Council's QUEST program, which established a knowledge exchange network combining scientists and policy makers. Topics covered include changing upland climates, mapping blanket peat vulnerability to climate change, measuring and modelling change in peatland carbon stocks, and managing upland ecosystem services under a changing climate.
We are pleased to make the online version of this CR SPECIAL available with Open Access.
House JI, Orr HG, Clark JM, Gallego-Sala AV, Freeman C, Prentice IC, Smith P
INTRODUCTION: Climate change and the British Uplands: evidence for decision-making
CR 45:3-12 | Full text in pdf format
Billett MF, Charman DJ, Clark JM, Evans CD, Evans MG, Ostle NJ, Worrall F, Burden A, Dinsmore KJ, Jones T, McNamara NP, Parry L, Rowson JG, Rose R
Carbon balance of UK peatlands: current state of knowledge and future research challenges
CR 45:13-29 | Full text in pdf format
Evans M, Lindsay J
Impact of gully erosion on carbon sequestration in blanket peatlands
CR 45:31-41 | Full text in pdf format
Yallop AR, Clutterbuck B, Thacker J
Increases in humic dissolved organic carbon export from upland peat catchments: the role of temperature, declining sulphur deposition and changes in land management
CR 45:43-56 | Full text in pdf format
Burt TP, Holden J
Changing temperature and rainfall gradients in the British Uplands
CR 45:57-70 | Full text in pdf format
Coll J, Gibb SW, Price MF, McClatchey J, Harrison J
Developing site scale projections of climate change in the Scottish Highlands
CR 45:71-85 | Full text in pdf format
Clark JM, Orr HG, Freer J, House JI, Smith P, Freeman C
Assessment of projected changes in upland environments using simple climatic indices
CR 45:87-104 | Full text in pdf format
Albertson K, Aylen J, Cavan G, McMorrow J
Climate change and the future occurrence of moorland wildfires in the Peak District of the UK
CR 45:105-118 | Full text in pdf format
Pearce-Higgins JW
Using diet to assess the sensitivity of northern and upland birds to climate change
CR 45:119-130 | Full text in pdf format
Clark JM, Gallego-Sala AV, Allott TEH, Chapman SJ, Farewell T, Freeman C, House JI, Orr HG, Prentice IC, Smith P
Assessing the vulnerability of blanket peat to climate change using an ensemble of statistical bioclimatic envelope models
CR 45:131-150 | Full text in pdf format
Gallego-Sala AV, Clark JM, House JI, Orr HG, Prentice IC, Smith P, Farewell T, Chapman SJ
Bioclimatic envelope model of climate change impacts on blanket peatland distribution in Great Britain
CR 45:151-162 | Full text in pdf format
Smart SM, Henrys PA, Scott WA, Hall JR, Evans CD, Crowe A, Rowe EC, Dragosits U, Page T, Whyatt JD, Sowerby A, Clark JM
Impacts of pollution and climate change on ombrotrophic Sphagnum species in the UK: analysis of uncertainties in two empirical niche models
CR 45:163-177 | Full text in pdf format
Smith J, Gottschalk P, Bellarby J, Chapman S, Lilly A, Towers W, Bell J, Coleman K, Nayak D, Richards M, Hillier J, Flynn H, Wattenbach M, Aitkenhead M, Yeluripati J, Farmer J, Milne R, Thomson A, Evans C, Whitmore A, Falloon P, Smith P
Estimating changes in Scottish soil carbon stocks using ECOSSE. I. Model description and uncertainties
CR 45:179-192 | Full text in pdf format
Smith J, Gottschalk P, Bellarby J, Chapman S, Lilly A, Towers W, Bell J, Coleman K, Nayak D, Richards M, Hillier J, Flynn H, Wattenbach M, Aitkenhead M, Yeluripati J, Farmer J, Milne R, Thomson A, Evans C, Whitmore A, Falloon P, Smith P
Estimating changes in Scottish soil carbon stocks using ECOSSE. II. Application
CR 45:193-205 | Full text in pdf format
Heinemeyer A, Croft S, Garnett MH, Gloor E, Holden J, Lomas MR, Ineson P
The MILLENNIA peat cohort model: predicting past, present and future soil carbon budgets and fluxes under changing climates in peatlands
CR 45:207-226 | Full text in pdf format
Clark JM, Billett MF, Coyle M, Croft S, Daniels S, Evans CD, Evans M, Freeman C, Gallego-Sala AV, Heinemeyer A, House JI, Monteith DT, Nayak D, Orr HG, Prentice IC, Rose R, Rowson J, Smith JU, Smith P, Tun YM, Vanguelova E, Wetterhall F, Worrall F
Model inter-comparison between statistical and dynamic model assessments of the long-term stability of blanket peat in Great Britain (1940-2099)
CR 45:227-248 | Full text in pdf format
Maltby E
AS I SEE IT: Effects of climate change on the societal benefits of UK upland peat ecosystems: applying the ecosystem approach
CR 45:249-259 | Full text in pdf format
Cornell S
Valuing ecosystem benefits in a dynamic world
CR 45:261-272 | Full text in pdf format