Inter-Research > CR > v53 > n1 > p77-88  
Climate Research

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CR 53:77-88 (2012)  -  DOI:

Effect of climate on malarial vector distribution in Monsoon Asia: coupled model for Ecophysiological and Climatological Distribution of mosquito generations (ECD-mg)

Shunji Ohta*, Takumi Kaga

Department of Human Behavior and Environment Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University,
2−579−15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359−1192, Japan

ABSTRACT: The relationship between the life cycle and climate conditions of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles was modeled in order to describe its temporal and geographic distribution at a fine resolution. Since the mosquito grows through immature life stages in an aquatic environment, the model was designed to express the surface moisture conditions conducive to the mosquito’s growth. The development of the mosquito was estimated using either air or water temperature, depending on the developmental stage of the mosquito’s life cycle. To achieve this, the previous model was modified in order to improve the estimation of the water conditions of its habitat. As a result, the modified model was able to predict seasonal patterns of occurrence of Anopheles at representative sites with a more reasonable degree of accuracy than the previous model. This model was then applied using simple climate data in order to obtain the geographic distribution of the occurrence of various species of Anopheles in Monsoon Asia. The most notable results of the simulated spatio-temporal emergence of the Anopheles mosquito is that although the modified model did not include unique parameters of each species, distribution was clearly divided into sub-regions for each dominant species that corresponded to the climate conditions.

KEY WORDS: Climatic resources · Energy balance · Water balance · Life cycle · Malaria vector

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Cite this article as: Ohta S, Kaga T (2012) Effect of climate on malarial vector distribution in Monsoon Asia: coupled model for Ecophysiological and Climatological Distribution of mosquito generations (ECD-mg). Clim Res 53:77-88.

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