Inter-Research > CR > v57 > n1 > p93-94  
Climate Research

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CR 57:93-94 (2013)  -  DOI:

Climate fluctuations in time and space: Addendum to Zurbenko & Cyr (2011)

Igor G. Zurbenko*, Derek D. Cyr

University at Albany, State University of New York, School of Public Health, Rensselaer, New York 12144, USA

ABSTRACT: Satellite imagery of weather was a major breakthrough in the technology of synoptic weather forecasts. Historically, the Earth’s climate has experienced dramatic changes, and researchers have found that long-term weather patterns do exist. Such long-term changes in weather patterns have very small variations in total atmospheric variables and cannot be observed directly. Complicated space–time detection of low energy signals is required and can be done only by computationally processing space–time data. We follow on from our previous study (Zurbenko & Cyr 2011; Clim Res 46:67-76) to display time and space images of surface temperature fluctuations over the United States, based on actual data collected over the last 30 yr. Reconstruction of these images is based on 3D filtration technology, and does not use parametric models. 

KEY WORDS: Separation of scales · Kolmogorov-Zurbenko spline · KZS · El Niño

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Cite this article as: Zurbenko IG, Cyr DD (2013) Climate fluctuations in time and space: Addendum to Zurbenko & Cyr (2011). Clim Res 57:93-94.

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