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CR - Vol. 64, No. 3 - Table of contents

CR - Vol. 64, No. 3 - Table of contents

Clim Res (Print ISSN: 0936-577X; Online ISSN: 1616-1572)
Copyright © 2015 Inter-Research.

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by or are freely available to all users.

Almaraz P
Bordeaux wine quality and climate fluctuations during the last century: changing temperatures and changing industry
CR 64:187-199 | Full text in pdf format

Belda M, Holtanová E, Halenka T, Kalvová J, Hlávka Z
Evaluation of CMIP5 present climate simulations using the Köppen-Trewartha climate classification
CR 64:201-212 | Full text in pdf format

Dobrinescu A, Busuioc A, Birsan MV, Dumitrescu A, Orzan A
Changes in thermal discomfort indices in Romania and their connections with large-scale mechanisms
CR 64:213-226 | Full text in pdf format

Sui Y, Lang X, Jiang D
Temperature and precipitation signals over China with a 2°C global warming
CR 64:227-242 | Full text in pdf format

Dawson A, Austin D, Walker D, Appleton S, Gillanders BM, Griffin SM, Sakata C, Trouet V
A tree-ring based reconstruction of early summer precipitation in southwestern Virginia (1750-1981)
CR 64:243-256 | Full text in pdf format

Nasr-Azadani F, Unnikrishnan A, Akanda A, Islam S, Alam M, Huq A, Jutla A, Colwell R
Downscaling river discharge to assess the effects of climate change on cholera outbreaks in the Bengal Delta
CR 64:257-274 | Full text in pdf format

Yoshida R, Fukui S, Shimada T, Hasegawa T, Ishigooka Y, Takayabu I, Iwasaki T
Adaptation of rice to climate change through a cultivar-based simulation: a possible cultivar shift in eastern Japan
CR 64:275-290 | Full text in pdf format