Ji F, Evans JP, Teng J, Scorgie Y, Argüeso D, Di Luca A
Evaluation of long-term precipitation and temperature Weather Research and Forecasting simulations for southeast Australia
CR 67:99-115 | Full text in pdf format
Ballinger TJ, Sheridan SC
Sea ice impacts on polar surface weather types in the North American Arctic
CR 67:117-134 | Full text in pdf format
Shi Y, Gao X, Xu Y, Giorgi F, Chen D
Effects of climate change on heating and cooling degree days and potential energy demand in the household sector of China
CR 67:135-149 | Full text in pdf format
Um MJ, Markus M, Wuebbles DJ, Kim Y
Projected variations in the regional clustering of precipitation stations around Chicago
CR 67:151-163 | Full text in pdf format
Piotrowicz K, Bielec-Bakowska Z, Domonkos P
High atmospheric pressure and accompanying cold season weather types in Poland (1951−2010)
CR 67:165-177 | Full text in pdf format