Inter-Research > CR > v71 > n3 > p237-248  
Climate Research

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CR 71:237-248 (2017)  -  DOI:

Bioclimatic constraints of European mistletoe Viscum album at its southern distribution limit at past and present temporal scales, Pannonian Basin, Hungary

Attila Molnár*, Zsolt Végvári

University of Debrecen, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Egyetem tér 1., 4032 Debrecen, Hungary
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: The present study investigates climatic factors limiting a significant section of the southern boundary of the distribution of the European mistletoe Viscum album. Our study area was located in Hungary, within the Pannonian Basin biogeographical region in Central Europe, where forest and forest-steppe climates meet. We collected data from literature on the local distribution of V. album L. subsp. album (Wiesb.) Vollm., complemented by our own observations, in order to identify the boundary of the local range. We investigated the importance of climatic predictors in identifying the range, using discriminant analysis. July aridity was the best predictor of the limit of the occurrence of the study species, followed by mean July temperature and the sum of air temperature during the growing season. Results based on data from meteorological stations for 1901-1950 and on data from E-OBS grids for 1950-2010 identified similar bioclimatic preferences of V. album subsp. album.

KEY WORDS: Viscum album · Bioclimatic analysis · Aridity · Distribution boundary · Discriminant analysis

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Cite this article as: Molnár A, Végvári Z (2017) Bioclimatic constraints of European mistletoe Viscum album at its southern distribution limit at past and present temporal scales, Pannonian Basin, Hungary. Clim Res 71:237-248.

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