This Climate Research (CR) Special covers many different aspects of resilience in sensitive mountain forest ecosystems under environmental change. Some of the contributions are case studies from a single European mountain range on the effects of land use changes and climate changes on the general biology or on anthropogenic behaviour in various European mountain regions; others are comparative analyses and reviews of already published scientific research. The studies explore actual or possible future ecological and/or socio-ecological consequences for treeline areas. The variability of the many aspects covered in the contributions to this CR Special demands an editor with wide experience in seeking out appropriate subject matter in the various fields and in bringing these strands together as a totality for the project. Within the SENSFOR group, Frans E. Wielgolaski has such editing experience and was therefore invited to organize this Special Issue. Dr. Wielgolaski wanted to create an editorial board within SENSFOR, across various disciplines, to help him in this task. The following members of our project group were appointed: O. Skre, A. Kyriazopoulos, M. Zhiyanski, G. Broll, A. Hofgaard, A. Ficko and S. Sarkki. Internal SENSFOR (as well as external) reviewers have carefully checked all manuscripts for scientific integrity; their valuable comments helped the authors to improve their contributions and are therefore greatly appreciated. Thank you! As project leader of the EU COST Action ES1203 SENSFOR, I wish to thank Nils Chr. Stenseth, the CR Editor-in-Chief responsible for this Special Issue, and the publisher Inter-Research for the opportunity to present this joint study effort. Special appreciation also goes to COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), whose support made this project possible.
Mountain forest ecosystem · Resilience · Europe · SENSFOR · Climate change · Land use changes · Case studies
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(2017) Preface. Clim Res 73:1-1. Export citation Share: Facebook - - Bluesky - linkedIn |
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