ABSTRACT: Hydroelectric sources are a major contributor to power generation in Brazil. The constant evaluation of climate change impacts is relevant for guiding Brazilian energy policy. This research presents a methodological framework composed of the calibration of a hydrological model and verification of a climate model in the ‘present’ climate (1961-1990), in addition to future scenarios (2011-2100) of precipitation and streamflow for 4 hydroelectric plants in Brazil. For future projections, data from the Eta regional climate model (20 km horizontal resolution) nested within the HadGEM2-ES and MIROC5 global climate models were used. Monthly linear bias correction was applied to the simulations. Future projections were based on IPCC RCP4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. The SMAP hydrological model was adopted on a monthly scale with the addition of a translation parameter that examines the level of dependence of the present streamflow on the previous month's streamflow. The climate and hydrological models satisfactorily capture the distribution of precipitation and streamflow in different Brazilian regions, and effectively represent seasonal variability. Future projections point to a reduction in rainfall and natural streamflow in central-northern Brazil and a slight increase in the southern region. These scenarios should be carefully considered and require constant improvement and research since there are uncertainties associated with atmospheric dynamics and the hydrological cycle.
KEY WORDS: Climate change · Climatology · Electric energy · Hydroelectric power plants · Hydrology · Precipitation · Streamflow
Full text in pdf format | Cite this article as: Luiz Silva W, Maceira MEP, Rotunno Filho OC
(2020) Numerical simulations of precipitation and streamflow in current climate and future projections to drainage areas of Brazilian hydroelectric plants. Clim Res 79:219-241. https://doi.org/10.3354/cr01589
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