Inter-Research > CR > v81 > p1-14  
Climate Research

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CR 81:1-14 (2020)  -  DOI:

Reconstruction of maximum temperature on Zhegu Mountain, western Sichuan Plateau (China)

Maierdang Keyimu1, Zongshan Li1,*, Yijin Zhao1, Yanjun Dong1, Bojie Fu1, Zexin Fan2, Xiaochun Wang3

1State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, PR China
2Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla 666303, PR China
3College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, PR China
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Historical temperature reconstructions at high altitudes are still insufficient in southwestern China, which is considered one of the most sensitive areas to climate change in the world. Here we developed a tree ring-width chronology of Faxon fir Abies fargesii var. faxoniana at the upper timber line on Zhegu Mountain, Miyaluo Scenic Area, western Sichuan, China. The climate-tree growth relationship analysis indicated temperature as the dominant regulator on radial tree growth in this region. The reconstruction of aggregated maximum temperature (TMX) of autumn and winter for the period 1856-2016 was achieved with a linear regression model that accounted for 43.6% of the actual variability in the common time series (1954-2016). The reconstruction identified 4 warm periods and 3 cold periods. Similarities of warm and cold periods with previously published reconstructions from nearby sites indicated the reliability of our reconstruction. The significant positive correlation between TMX reconstruction and the Asian-Pacific Oscillation index and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation index suggested a linkage between large-scale climate circulations and the thermal variability at a multi-decadal scale on the western Sichuan Plateau. We also found that solar activity exerted a strong influence on decadal temperature variability in this region. The cold periods were matched well with historical large volcanic eruptions. Our results strengthen the historical climatic information in southwestern China and contribute to further understanding the regional thermal variability as well as its driving mechanism.

KEY WORDS: Tree ring · Aggregated maximum temperature · Climate reconstruction · Western Sichuan Plateau

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Cite this article as: Keyimu M, Li Z, Zhao Y, Dong Y, Fu B, Fan Z, Wang X (2020) Reconstruction of maximum temperature on Zhegu Mountain, western Sichuan Plateau (China). Clim Res 81:1-14.

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